Mar 21, 2024 - Sale 2663

Sale 2663 - Lot 414

Price Realized: $ 1,875
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(SLAVERY.) Group of bills of sale for enslaved people in the Carolinas and Virginia. 6 items, various sizes up to 10 x 8 inches; minor wear. Various places, 1828-1857

Additional Details

Power of attorney "in the disposal of my Negroes in any of the southern states . . . for the following Negroes, to wit Lewis & his wife Fanny & her child Snakey & her child Mary," issued by John Watson to Elias Tisdell. Nash County, NC, 1 May 1828.

Bill of sale of "one Negro boy named Sanders aged about seven years" from James M. Nye to Robert Pugh. Ashe County, NC, 31 January 1837.

Bill of sale of "a certain Negro boy slave called & known by the name of John aged about twelve years," from William A. Richmond to George G. Lea. Caswell County, NC, 28 October 1843.

Receipt for "the purchase of five Negroe slaves namely Fred aged 9 years valued at three hundred dollars, Sippio aged about 9 years . . . Moses aged about 9 years . . . John aged about 9 years . . . Lewis aged 7 years," from W.B. Rhem to E.H. Simmons. Lenoir County, NC, 5 August 1857.

Receipt for "nine Negroes to wit" named Preston, Lewis, King, Susan, Sarah, Francis, Sally, Jane & child, from N.C. Trowbridge to E.H. Simmons. Hamburg, SC, 3 February 1850.

Bill of sale for "a certain female Negro slave named Malindy & two children viz Matildy & Elbert" from Mildred Goodall to Joseph Rudolph. Virginia, 1 January 1848.