Mar 21, 2013 - Sale 2308

Sale 2308 - Lot 99

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.) JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK. Religious Instruction of the Negroes. An Address delivered before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, at Augusta, Ga, December 10,1861. 25 pages. 12mo, self wrappers, stitched; one inch diagonal chip at top corner of the first page; stitching loose. [Richmond, 1862]

Additional Details

A very unusual piece, read by the author before church members, many of whom were slaveholders almost a year into the war. Charles Colcock Jones (1804-1865) was the author of an earlier tract "Suggestions on the Religious Instruction of the Negroes in the Southern States," published in 1847, urging religious instruction to slaves. Jones was the son of a merchant-planter with deep roots in coastal Georgia. Born at Liberty Hall, his father's plantation in Liberty County, he made a profession of faith when he was seventeen and was then prepared for the Presbyterian ministry at Phillips Academy, later Andover Theological Seminary, and Princeton Theological Seminary. In 1846, Jones received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. While in the North, Jones agonized over the morality of owning slaves, but he returned to Liberty County to become a planter, a missionary to slaves, and a somewhat reluctant defender of the institution of slavery.