Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 377

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(SPORTS--BASEBALL.) Pair of yearbooks from Jackie Robinson's two years at U.C.L.A. [2], 464; [8], 447, [1] pages. Quarto, 12 x 9 inches, original cloth, minor wear, stamped with name of a graduate; minor foxing to contents. Los Angeles, CA, 1940-1941

Additional Details

Jack Roosevelt Robinson transferred to the University of California, Los Angeles in 1939 after graduating from junior college. He was an athletic standout for two years and left shortly before graduation in 1941. These two editions of the Southern Campus yearbook cover his entire time at the school.

The 1940 yearbook is from Robinson's junior year. He had been a star of the Fall 1939 football team. Among his teammates who also appear in the yearbook are Kenny Washington and Woody Strode, who later became the first Black players to sign with the National Football League, months after Robinson signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers. All three are frequently mentioned and illustrated in the yearbook's long football section, most notably on the "Stars" spread on pages 250-251. He can also be seen in action with the basketball team, and in the baseball team picture. Future Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley appears in the track team section.

The 1941 "Southern Campus" documents Robinson's senior year. Although he did not graduate and does not have a senior portrait, he is shown in an inset on the first page of senior portraits with an explanation: "Jackie Robinson, the Pasadena flash . . . checked out of school to play professional basketball, and broke the heart of track coach Harry Trotter, who had counted on him for the broadjump." He is again shown frequently in the football section, and also appears prominently in basketball and track and field, although he apparently missed the baseball team picture.