Sep 28, 2023 - Sale 2646

Sale 2646 - Lot 275

Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
(VIETNAM WAR.) Large group of snapshots from the establishment of the Da Nang Marine base very early in the war. Approximately 450 photographs, many about 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches, some smaller, a few larger, some with inked or manuscript numbers on verso, only a very few captioned; some curling, occasional minor wear. Vietnam, circa 1965

Additional Details

Most or all of these well-executed snapshots appear to be taken in Vietnam in conjunction with the establishment of a United States Marines base. They range broadly in subject matter, with the bulk showing American military personnel: training and drilling, constructing barracks, in the mess hall. Several show soldiers at leisure, playing baseball, volleyball, boxing, or just relaxing with a beer. Many show naval transport vessels, and others show military jets and helicopters. In addition, many show Vietnamese civilians, street scenes, mountain views, and statuary. None seem to show combat operations or their aftermath.

Many of these photographs appear to be from the early months of the base at Da Nang. The 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade landed on 8 March 1965 to protect Da Nang Air Base and support the Rolling Thunder air raids. They were also known as the 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines or "3/9." The country had been at war since 1955, with an increasing number of American military advisors and air support, but this was the first American military unit deployed in Vietnam as a fighting force, a major turning point in American involvement in the war.

Of the scenes and equipment we have been able to identify, all can be placed in Da Nang in these first months of the newly escalated war. One man holds a flag reading "3/9 Base, Mayo Clinic, Vietnam." One shows the USS Union (KA106) which was at Da Nang on 8 March 1965; two others show the USS Renville (PA227) and its boat, which arrived two months later. Another shot shows several bombers of the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 531 (VMFA-531) which arrived at Da Nang on 10 April 1965, the first land-based Marine aircraft in the conflict. Tanks numbered B32 and B33 are both shown; they were among the first to come ashore on 8 March. The sign for the headquarters of the III Marine Expeditionary Force is shown; they arrived at Da Nang in May 1965. One of the few properly captioned photos shows a Marine jet, reading on verso "L Co. leaving Da Nang by C-130s to join rest of Bat. in P.I. Jan. 23 1965, taken by L Cpl Gilman, L-3-9." This was several weeks before the arrival of the full Marine force.

Very few of these photographs are captioned, but many have pencil reference numbers on verso, and a few appear to have page reference numbers, suggesting that they were intended for use in a book project. At least one bears an official inked stamp of the Marine Corps Photographic Section.