Mar 15, 2012 - Sale 2273

Sale 2273 - Lot 345

Estimate: $ 500 - $ 750
WASHINGTON CALLS UP THE MILITIA AGAINST ANTI-TAX PROTESTERS (WASHINGTON, GEORGE.) Columbian Centinel. 4 pages, 18 1/2 x 12 inches, on one sheet; disbound. Boston, 16 August 1794

Additional Details

Features President Washington's proclamation against the participants in the Whiskey Rebellion. The rebellion was sparked by high taxes on whiskey distilleries, which led to an armed confrontation in July, and crested with a gathering of seven thousand angry protesters in a field near Pittsburgh on August 1. Six days later, Washington issued this proclamation, which lays out the government's grievances against the rebels, and orders them to disperse. He also explains that he has called forth the militia, "feeling the deepest regret for the occasion, but withal the most solemn conviction, that the essential interests of the Union demand it." This newspaper also features the shorter proclamation of Pennsylvania governor Thomas Mifflin in support of Washington's actions.