Oct 21, 2003 - Sale 1981

Sale 1981 - Lot 114

Price Realized: $ 862
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Group of 6 photographs from 4 of Allen's portfolios. Silver prints, 51/2x21/2 to 91/4x71/4 inches (14x6.4 to 23.5x18.4 cm.), 4 sheets have plate number stamps, one with plate number, in pencil, on verso; one hand-tinted; 2 framed. 1920s

Additional Details

These images come from various Allen series including "Vacation (2)," "The Sheik (1)," "A Day and a Night in the Harem (1)," and "The Boudoir (2)." Four of these images are reproduced in