Mar 31, 2007 - Sale 2109

Sale 2109 - Lot 170

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 800
Apollo 14 S-IV-B Impact Lunar Planning Chart. Plots the predicted and actual Apollo 14 S-IV-B impact and includes the Apollo 13 S-IV-B impact and Apollo 12 LM ascent stage impact areas. Approximately 17x22 inches. Mapping Sciences Lab/MSC, 1972

Additional Details

The Saturn V third stage (S-IV-B) was intentionally fired toward the Moon after the LM was extracted by the CSM during several Apollo missions. The stage's impact would provide a calibrated "Moon quake" as measured by the lunar seismometer left by the Apollo 12 crew. Inscribed and signed: "A smashing success! Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 LMP."