Oct 27, 2022 - Sale 2619

Sale 2619 - Lot 102

Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600
CAROSSA, HANS. Two Autograph Letters Signed, to aphorist Hans Margolius, in German, explaining that he has been struggling to write the final volume of his "Jugendgeschichte" [Tagebuch eines jungen Arztes (1955)], offering to send a copy of Das Jahr der schönen Täuschungen (1941) and some other works, thanking for sending his collection of aphorisms, explaining that he has read Maximen zur Ethik, agreeing with its sentiments, and closing with "'The wise ones of all ages wave to each other'--I do not remember from which of Goethe's works this dictum stems, but may you take some comfort in it at any rate." Together 4 pages, 4to or 8vo, written on three sheets, one on onionskin paper; small hole at fold intersections of first with minor loss to text. Rittsteig, 17 September 1953; 5 August 1954