Oct 27, 2022 - Sale 2619

Sale 2619 - Lot 32

Price Realized: $ 562
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 350 - $ 500
CHILD, JULIA. Two Typed Letters Signed, "Julia," to Richard Scott Mowrer, each with holograph postscript. The first, sending a filmstrip containing two photographs of his father [not present] and requesting its return, briefly describing the circumstances surrounding the photos, inviting him to visit, and, in the postscript: "Such nostalgia--addressing you at Quondam Farm. We have most happy memories of that place." The second, thanking for condolences [upon the death of her husband], and, in the postscript: "He was so fond of your Paul!" With the original envelope. Each 1/2 page, 4to or 8vo, personal stationery; slight fading to signature and postscript of first, horizontal folds. Cambridge, MA, 13 July 1987; [30 June 1994: from postmark]

Additional Details

13 July 1987: ". . . [We] find your letter requesting photos of your father. . . . I have located two, taken in New Hampshire . . . , 1950 or something.
"My Paul . . . used to have wonderful records, but now is pretty vague about such things. . . .
"The one with two chaps is of your Paul M. and our French friend, Jean Ache, when he came . . . to visit Paul and Hadley [Richardson]. The other is solo Paul M.
". . . [I]f you come down our way, come in for a drink or a meal--we'll be here through Thanksgiving."
With--Noel Riley Fitch. TLS, to Richard Scott Mowrer, thanking him for sending photographs of, and letters from, Julia Child and her husband, requesting permission to copy some of the photos, promising to give a nod to his mother when in Paris [where Mowrer's mother met his father after divorcing Ernest Hemingway], and, in a postscript, thanking for a damaged photo of Child's husband that shows details of the Childs' Paris apartment. 1 page, 4to, personal stationery. Los Angeles, 30 April 1995.
Richard Scott Mowrer (1922-2022) was a journalist and son of Pulitzer-prize-winning Paul Scott Mowrer, who was editor and correspondent at the Chicago Daily News.