Dec 15, 2005 - Sale 2062

Sale 2062 - Lot 92

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
281/4x19 inches. A. Molling & Co., Hannover.
Condition B+: minor tears in margins and image; creases and abrassions in image; horizontal folds. Paper.
Licht und Schatten (Light and Shadow) was a Berlin magazine devoted to the kind of black and white illustrations that had become trendy around Europe as a result of the plethora of Shadow Theatres (like the Chat Noir in Paris). No wonder Preetorius designed three different posters for this magazine, as he liked the shadow image technique so much himself. Here, in his easy-going caricature style, he depicts a street full of people (and their dogs) absorbed in the new magazine. To emphasize the concept of Light and Shadow, he has rendered the picture as if it were a negative, with white outlines against a black background. DFP III 2588, Wember 667.