Dec 13, 2007 - Sale 2132

Sale 2132 - Lot 112

Price Realized: $ 24,000
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 12,000 - $ 18,000
GRAHAM, PAUL. A-1, The Great North Road. Foreword by Rupert Martin. Illustrated with 40 color reproductions of Graham's earliest body of work. Oblong 4to, gray bubble-grained cloth; dust jacket. Parr/Badger I, 55, 291. deluxe edition, one of 75 planned copies; this copy signed by graham and issued with an original photograph. (Bristol): Grey Editions, (1983)

Additional Details

The rare title with a scarce early print, both signed by Graham, who is widely acknowledged as repositioning the documentary genre at the interstices of classical and contemporary practices.
with--"Interior, Rainton Services, North Yorkshire." Ektacolor print, 8 1/2x12 inches (24.1x30.4 cm.), with Graham''s signature and date on verso. 1981.

Paul Graham (1956- ) forged a new documentary style, uniting color imagery with a distinctive British social documentary idiom. His first major project, was "A1—The Great North Road" (1981-82). Graham recorded travelers and services along the length of the highway using a large-format camera and color film. His technical choices were nothing short of groundbreaking and had an enduring impact, dissolving the black-and-white tradition associated with British social photography to that point.

Graham''s later photographs of the mid-1980s (unemployment offices in Beyond Caring (1984-85), and the sectarian landscape of Northern Ireland, Troubled Land (1984-86)), expanded social documentary photography by broadening its visual language.