May 23, 2024 - Sale 2670

Sale 2670 - Lot 28

Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600
Kendall, Helen Jane Galusha (1829-1903)
Autograph Letter Signed, Lowell, Wisconsin, 11 December 1863.
Laid biofolium writing paper inscribed over four pages to Kendall's mother, Polly Larabee Galusah (1797-1874), in Berkshire, VT; mentioning recent letters and family photographs, the writer's state of mind (sad), a move to a new town where they "live in a small log shanty" within earshot of two railroad routes "we can hear the car whistle, fifty times a day some days," and other news, before breaking into a spirited piece of writing on women's rights inspired by her sister Arvilla Mary Galusha Orcutt (1838-1898), whose husband recently "went off" on her; old folds, accompanied by the original envelope (stamp clipped away), 5 x 8 in. folded

"I never heard of so many married people parting. The world is outgrowing the idea that a woman must obey a man, that is, be his slave. It makes a dreadful commotion & causes a deal of trouble, but by & by, civilized nations will get waked up to the knowledge of the fact that not only 'men' but all men & women are born with equal rights & privileges, & it is only when might makes right that woman, because she is physically weaker than man, should be by him shorn of those natural God-given privileges."