May 01, 2014 - Sale 2348

Sale 2348 - Lot 110

Estimate: $ 8,000 - $ 12,000
(MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATION.) Collage of 9 miniatures, mostly of scenes from the life of Christ, within frame of 21 cuttings from illuminated borders, all excised from a vellum liturgical manuscript, the whole mounted on stiff card, probably in the 19th century. Collage approximately 257x304 mm, individual miniatures approximately 55x57 mm each; card backing warped, facial features of figures in top center miniature rubbed and indistinct, slight flaking of paint in bottom right miniature. nothern France, later 15th century

Additional Details

Row by row from the top, left to right, the miniatures depict the risen Christ appearing to the Apostles, followed by 2 scenes of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes; Christ as the Good Shepherd, Christ preaching, and the Good Samaritan; Christ preaching, the Annunciation, and the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. For similar collages cf. Sotheby's London, 6 December 1988, lot 9; Christie's New York, 21 May 1981, lot 11; and Sotheby's London, 9 July 1973, lot 4.