Oct 17, 2017 - Sale 2457

Sale 2457 - Lot 201

Price Realized: $ 100
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 100 - $ 200
(AETITE.) La Vertu de la Pierre Aquiline [caption title]. Letterpress handbill in French with woodcut headpiece and type ornament border. Approximately 205x154 mm; margins unevenly trimmed, small hole in center affecting a few letters, stain on right side, right edge frayed. Todi: Augustin Faustin [i. e., Agostino Faustini], 17th century

Additional Details

Description of the characteristics and therapeutic properties of aetite, or eagle stone, a type of geode reputed to promote childbirth and lactation, alleviate epilepsy, repel poisonous animals, counteract the effects of venom, etc.