Oct 17, 2017 - Sale 2457

Sale 2457 - Lot 202

Price Realized: $ 1,125
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
ALBINUS, BERNHARD SIEGFRIED. Explicatio tabularum anatomicarum Bartholomaei Eustachii. 89 engraved plates, comprising 47 after Eustachi with the remainder duplicates in outline. [8], 28, 277 [i. e., 275], [3] pages, including half-title. Folio, 397x250 mm, contemporary calf gilt with front cover skillfully replaced, spine and rear cover worn, front endpapers renewed; text leaves toned or browned, dampstain in outer margin of text leaves at beginning and end, plates generally clean apart from occasional minor marginal foxing or soiling, small stain in blank portion of plates 18/1 and 18/2. Stamp of Prof. Lejeune of Cologne on half-title and title. tall copy. Leiden: (Typographia Dammeana for) Johannes Arnold Langerak et al., 1744

Additional Details

first albinus edition of Bartolommeo Eustachi's Tabulae anatomicae, and the first to include outline plates as a learning aid. The engravings of Eustachi's drawings were completed in the mid-16th century but remained unpublished until their rediscovery in the Vatican Library in the early 18th century, when they were presented by Pope Clement XI to his physician, Giovanni Maria Lancisi, who first published them in 1714. Garrison-Morton 391 (original edition, "more accurate than the work of Vesalius"); Choulant-Frank, page 202; Heirs of Hippocrates 326 (this edition).