Oct 17, 2017 - Sale 2457

Sale 2457 - Lot 213

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
FINELLA, FILIPPO. De metroposcopia, seu methoscopia naturali. Profusion of primitive woodcut text illustrations of heads. [8], 170, [6]; 162, [4]; [16], 372, [3] pages, including the 3 blanks. 3 volumes in one. 8vo, 152x100 mm, modern vellum boards; occasional browning or foxing, slight paper corrosion along fore edge of opening leaves, heavily inked-out inscription on title, intermittent marginal dampstaining in third part. Antwerp: Officina Planti[n]iana apud Balthassarem Morenem [sic] [i. e., Naples: Jacob Gaffarus], 1648

Additional Details

first edition of a treatise on character analysis and divination through the study of facial lines, particularly those on the forehead. Krivatsy 4073; Thorndike VIII, 459-60.