Jul 30, 2020 - Sale 2543

Sale 2543 - Lot 154

Estimate: $ 100 - $ 200
MELCHIOR, LAURITZ. Two items, each Signed: Typed Letter * Photograph postcard. The letter, to "Dear Mr. Woolf," expressing appreciation for his article and sketch. 1/2 page, 4to, personal stationery, onionskin paper; scattered creases. The photograph, half-length portrait showing him in a tuxedo adorned with medals. Signed diagonally in the image, lower right. Correspondence side blank. 12mo; written in black ink against partly dark background. Np, 20 February 1946; Np, nd

Additional Details

"I am just coming back . . . after the unforgettable day of my twentieth anniversary with the Metropolitan. Many things contributed to make this a memorable occasion for me--and among them the delightful article and sketch which you did. . . ."