Oct 24 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2683 -

Sale 2683 - Lot 173

Estimate: $ 5,000 - $ 7,000
Middleton, Richard of (fl. 1249-1308)
Commentum super Quarto Libro Sententiarium Petri Lombardi.

Venice: Christophorus Arnoldus, [not after 1477].

First edition, folio; rubricated with large initials, chapter divisions and capital strokes throughout; text printed in gothic letter in two columns; a large copy with many full-size margins and many deckle edges throughout, not washed and pressed; with occasional contemporary marginal annotations; this copy bound in a beautiful facsimile of a period binding, in blind-ruled calf over wooden boards, with plaited alum-tawed endbands and brass catches and clasps; worming damage to first several signature fore-edges damaged by wear and worming, all professionally repaired; losses to title page (including a signature rubbed away and creating a hole in the blank margin and fore-edge worming) repaired; final 5 leaves with damp and worm damage repaired; the vast majority of the text clean and nicely preserved; 12 1/4 x 8 1/4 in.

Hain 10984*; BMC V 206; BSB R-170; Goff M-423; ISTC im00423000.

In his review of Peter Lombard's Sentences, Middleton, aka Richardus de Mediavilla, is drawn into the subject of usury. As a result, his text deals with the ethics of legal contracts, annuities, and other aspects of overall economic theory, an early venture into the subject area.