Oct 21, 2014 - Sale 2362

Sale 2362 - Lot 328

Price Realized: $ 1,300
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
CATTAN, CHRISTOPHE DE. La Geomance. Woodcut astrological and geomantic diagrams in text. [8], 178, [2] leaves (with gatherings I4 and K4 transposed). 4to, late 19th-/early 20th-century 3/4 calf; stain in title gutter, marginal soiling at end. Paris: Jean Corrozet, 1558

Additional Details

first edition of a work on divination through the interpretation of patterns of points or dots; issue with Corrozet imprint. Thorndike VI, 472.