Oct 21, 2014 - Sale 2362

Sale 2362 - Lot 338

Price Realized: $ 1,625
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
LE LOYER, PIERRE. IIII. Livres des Spectres ou Apparitions et Visions des Esprits, Anges, et Demons se monstrans sensiblement aux Hommes. [12], 642; [4], 338, [2], 339-364, [1] pages, including 2 integral blanks and errata leaf at end. 2 parts in one volume. 4to, 209x153 mm, 17th-century calf gilt with unidentified arms on covers, spine ends chipped, front joint reinforced and cracked, cover corners reinforced, endpapers renewed; some marginal soiling and dampstaining, occasional heavy browning, scattered cropped contemporary marginalia, marginal repair and old institutional stamps on general title. Paris: Gabriel Buon, and Angers: Georges Nepveu, 1586

Additional Details

first edition of a work on apparitions and demonology. Caillet 6450; Thorndike VI, 531-33; Yve-Plessis 391.