Oct 21, 2014 - Sale 2362

Sale 2362 - Lot 100

Price Realized: $ 406
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 200 - $ 300
PETIT, PIERRE. De Amazonibus dissertatio. Text illustrations, mostly of numismatic subjects; folding engraved map of the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. [12], 398, [12] pages, including engraved additional title. 12mo, 161x98 mm, contemporary paneled calf, joints cracked, cords intact; contents generally clean. Signature of the Scottish patriot and collector Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun (1655-1716) on title. Amsterdam: apud Joannem Wolters & Ysbrandum Haring, 1687

Additional Details

Second edition of a 1685 historical study of the legendary warrior women. The addenda on pages 381-98 contain references to Columbus, cannibals, and New World Amazons. Alden 687/106.