Oct 24, 2019 - Sale 2521

Sale 2521 - Lot 121

Price Realized: $ 531
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
HERRERA, BALTASAR DE. Sermones Varios, predicados en esta Ciudad de Manila. [8], 219, [3] leaves, including errata at end. Printed on Asian paper. 4to, 198x138 mm, contemporary limp vellum with remnants of thong ties; contents browned and quite fragile, occasional dampstaining, scattered marginal chipping and clean tears not affecting text, gathering P loose with first and last leaves damaged causing substantial text loss. Unidentified branded ownership marks on top and bottom edges. sold as is. Manila: Imprenta de la Compañía de Jesús por Santiago Dimatangso, 1675

Additional Details

first edition. Medina/Manila 99; Palau 114046.