Oct 24, 2019 - Sale 2521

Sale 2521 - Lot 122

Price Realized: $ 2,000
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
JESÚS, DIEGO DE. Manipulus orationum quibus Christi domini sacerdotes . . . ante et post sacrosanctum misse sacrificium exercitare se possint. [12], 216 leaves. Printed on 2 stocks of Asian paper. 8vo, 148x97 mm, contemporary limp vellum, lacking ties; contents browned and fragile, title torn in outer margin affecting one word, clean tear in G1. Branded ownership mark of the Hospicio de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Real y Minas de Tlalpujahua, Michoacán (CCMF/CPCC-12134) on top edges. Manila: Collegii S. Thome Aquinitatis, 1675

Additional Details

Collection of prayers for recitation by priests before and after Mass. Medina/Manila Adiciones 441; Palau 123523.