Oct 24, 2019 - Sale 2521

Sale 2521 - Lot 124

Price Realized: $ 188
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 200 - $ 300
PAZ, JUAN DE. Consultas, y Resoluciones Varias, Theológicas, Jurídicas, Regulares, y Morales. [36], 736, [46] pages. Folio, 292x201 mm, contemporary limp vellum with spine title in ink, lacking ties, cover fore edges chipped; marginal dampstaining, partly from fore-edge stains showing internally, worming in gutters throughout occasionally entering text, scattered marginalia and underscoring, scored inscription on verso of title showing through on recto, contemporary owners' notes on endleaves. Seville: Tomás López de Haro, 1687

Additional Details

first edition of a collection of 299 opinions on cases of conscience involving native inhabitants and Spaniards in the Philippines. The author was a Dominican who served as Rector of the University of Santo Tomás in Manila. Palau 215717; Retana/Aparato 159.