Oct 24, 2019 - Sale 2521

Sale 2521 - Lot 126

Price Realized: $ 2,250
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 500 - $ 750
SEQUEIRA, LUIS DE, S. J.; and SIMÕES, JOÃO, S. J. Breve Relación sobre la Persecución de Nuestra Santa Fé en la Provincia de Kiamnan, y otras Provincias del Imperio de la China, Ilustres Vidas, y Gloriosas Muertes de los VV. PP. Antonio Joseph Henríquez, y Tristán de Atimis, de la Compañía de Jesús. Spanish translation by Juan de Velande. [3], 72 leaves. Printed on Asian paper. 4to, 197x141 mm, 19th-century vellum boards with leather lettering piece, covers warped; restoration in lower margin and outer corners of title and blank outer margin of several other leaves, scattered corrections in ink in contemporary hand. Manila: Imprenta de la Compañía de Jesús por D. Nicolás de la Cruz Bagay, 1751

Additional Details

first edition in spanish of a report on the martyrdom of Jesuits in China, published the same year as the Lisbon original edition in Portuguese. Medina/Manila 236; Palau 309407; Streit VII, 3407.