Mar 09, 2017 - Sale 2438

Sale 2438 - Lot 169

Price Realized: $ 6,500
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
PLUTARCH. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romaines. English translation by Sir Thomas North, from Jacques Amyot's French version of the original Greek. Woodcut divisional headpieces throughout consisting of medallion portraits within varying ornamental borders. [14] (of [16]), 1103, [1]; [4], 136, [29] pages; lacks initial blank. Folio, 318x211 mm, contemporary calf richly tooled to all-over pattern of small stars with arabesque cornerpieces and centerpiece between initials E and A, neatly rebacked retaining original backstrip decorated with ornamental tools and small stars, cloth ties and endpapers renewed; contents generally clean with light soiling on title and restoration in blank upper outer corner, only small wormhole through lower outer corner of opening leaves, scattered stains, E3.4 shaved along fore edge, blank lower outer corner off L3 and 2O5, hole through 2F1-2 affecting several words, clean tear through sidenotes in outer margin of 3R1 repaired with cellophane tape, fore edge of 4F1 reinforced. Contemporary ownership inscriptions of Christopher Brayne at beginning and end. London: Richard Field for George Bishop, 1603

Additional Details

Third edition of North's translation, the first complete version in English, originally published in 1579. Hoffmann III, 224; STC 20068.