Dec 09, 2021 - Sale 2591

Sale 2591 - Lot 409

Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
ROBERTS, DAVID. Group of 17 mostly hand-colored tinted lithographed plates from: The Holy Land... [and], Egypt and Nubia... [and], Picturesque Sketches in Spain. Mix of folio plates and trimmed text leaves; a nice selection with occasional stains and small closed tears. London, 1830s-40s

Additional Details

- Cairo From the Gate of Citzenib, Looking Towards the Desert of Suez.
- The Ravine.
- Ascent of the Lower Range of Sinai.
- General View of Esouan and the Island of Elephantine.
- Askalon (mounted to deluxe gilt-ruled card).
- Cordova (removed from card mount)
- Ascent to the Summit of Sinai.
- Gate of Victory and Minaret of the Mosque of El Hakim.
- Convent of Saint Catherine, Mount Sinai.
- The Gate of the Metwalis, or Bab Zuweyleh, Cairo.
- Rock of Moses, Wady-El-Leja, Mount Horeb.
- One of the Tombs of the Khalifs, Cairo.
- Tomb of St. James, Valley of Jehosephat.
- Excavated Mansions of Petra.
- Triumphal Arch Crossing the Ravine Leading to Petra.
- Entrance to the Chapel of Ferdinand & Isabella (Title-page to "Picturesque Sketches in Spain" but without lettering to the double-door). Mounted to original card.
- Duplicate of above, same treatment without title, and mounted.