Oct 21, 2014 - Sale 2362

Sale 2362 - Lot 350

Price Realized: $ 260
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 300 - $ 500
[SANTVOORT, THEODORUS or DIRK.] Curiositates philosophicae; sive, De principiis rerum naturalium dissertation selecta . . . auctore T. S. J. F. 4 engraved plates, 2 of them folding; 3 folding maps. [6], 339 pages. 4to, 197x149 mm, later 18th-century speckled boards, cover corners worn; some toning and foxing, first folding plate dampstained. London [i. e., the Netherlands?]: sumptibus Societatis, 1713

Additional Details

Revised version of a Cartesian treatise on natural philosophy originally published in 1704 as Dissertatio philosophica de causa motus et principiis solidorum corporum.