Oct 21, 2014 - Sale 2362

Sale 2362 - Lot 354

Price Realized: $ 250
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600
STURM, LEONHARD CHRISTOPH. Vollständige Mühlen Baukunst. 51 etched and engraved plates. [6], 35 pages, including etched title. Folio, 341x214 mm, contemporary calf gilt, spine ends chipped, lettering piece off, covers detached; contents generally clean. Augsburg: Jeremias Wolff, 1718

Additional Details

first edition of a treatise on mills and hydraulic machinery, containing the first illustrations of Hollander beaters for the preparation of pulp in papermaking. Berlin 1783; Hunter, The Literature of Papermaking, page 25; Millard III, 127.