Oct 27, 2015 - Sale 2395

Sale 2395 - Lot 275

Price Realized: $ 1,430
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600
GODINHO, NICOLÃO, S.J. De Abassinorum rebus, déque Aethiopiae Patriarchis Joanne Nonio Barreto, & Andrea Oviedo, libri tres. [16], 414, [2] pages, including final blank. 8vo, 181x107 mm, contemporary vellum boards with ink spine title and shelf number; contents browned, inscription and St. Charles Borromeo Seminary stamp on title, accession number on next leaf. Lyon: Horatius Cardon, 1615

Additional Details

first edition of a work on Ethiopia in 3 parts: the first concerns the land and its people, history, and religion; the second and third deal with the missions of João Nunez Barreto and Andrés Oviedo. Streit-Dindinger XVI, 61-62.