Oct 27, 2015 - Sale 2395

Sale 2395 - Lot 277

Price Realized: $ 625
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 500 - $ 750
GUIGNES, JOSEPH DE. Histoire Générale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux, &c. cxviii, 471, [1]; 8, xcv, [1], 522; viii, 272, 292; viii, 542, [2]; vii, [1], 517, [3] pages, including half-title in all 5 volumes and final blank in the last 2. 4 volumes in 5. 4to, 278x218 mm, contemporary stiff wrappers, spines worn and soiled with white ink shelf number on Volumes 1/2 and 3, dampstaining in upper outer corner of covers and contents throughout, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary stamp on title and accession number on next leaf in Volumes 1/2 and 3; uncut. Paris: Desaint & Saillant, 1756-58

Additional Details

first edition of a history of the nomadic peoples of Central Asia. Cordier 2767-68; Lust 428.