Oct 27, 2015 - Sale 2395

Sale 2395 - Lot 291

Price Realized: $ 618
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 250 - $ 350
SMITH, THOMAS. Epistolae quatuor, quarum duae de moribus ac institutis Turcarvm agunt, duae septem Asiae ecclesiarum et Constantinopoleos notitiam continent. [8], 171, [13]; [4], 133, [7] pages. 2 parts in one volume. 8vo, 152x93 mm, contemporary mottled calf gilt, spine defective; dampstaining throughout with traces of mold at end, old stamps on general title, accession number on next leaf. Oxford: H. H. for Ric. Davis, 1674

Additional Details

Second edition of the first part, on Ottoman customs and institutions, which had appeared separately in 1672, and first edition of the second part, on the 7 churches of Asia and Constantinople. Wing S4242.