Oct 27, 2015 - Sale 2395

Sale 2395 - Lot 293

Price Realized: $ 688
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600
VALERIANO BOLZANO, GIOVANNI PIETRO. Hieroglyphica; sive, De sacris Aegyptiorum, aliarumque gentium literis commentarii. Full-page woodcut portrait of Valeriano on title verso; small text illustrations throughout. [10], 441, [25] leaves. Folio, 329x212 mm, later 17th-century mottled sheep gilt, white ink shelf number on spine, covers worn; contents browned, sometimes severely, with occasional marginal dampstaining, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary stamp on title, accession number on next leaf. Basel: Thomas Guarinus, 1575

Additional Details

Neo-Platonic commentary on the 5th-century treatise ascribed to Horapollo interpreting Egyptian hieroglyphs. Praz, page 521.