Oct 12, 2023 - Sale 2648

Sale 2648 - Lot 183

Estimate: $ 200 - $ 300
Voigt, Maria Theresa (active circa 1706-1739), Viennese Printer.
Vita et Acta Sanctissimi Patris et Patriachae Romualdi.

Vienna: Mariae Theresiae Voigtin, Viduae, 1726.

Octavo in three parts of Peter Damian's (c. 1007-1073) biography of Saint Romuald (951-1027); illustrated copiously throughout with eighty-seven full-page plates, the majority depicting the events of the Saint's life, others are trees of consanguinity and portraits; bound in later half leather, contents good, 6 1/8 x 3 3/4 in.

Maria Theresa must have taken over operation of the University of Vienna press run by her husband Leopold Voigt (1650-1706) after his demise, although information is scant. This highly illustrated life of Italian Saint Romuald was popular, going through Maria Theresa's press in German and Latin editions beginning in 1723. The text had a local connection to the city of its production, a hermitage of the Camaldolite Order, St. Joseph on the Kahlenberg, just outside of Vienna. Romuald founded the Camaldolese order in the 11th century. St. Joseph's was heavily damaged in the Second Turkish Siege of Vienna in 1683, between that time and 1750 extensive repairs were being carried out on the structure.