Nov 12, 2013 - Sale 2330

Sale 2330 - Lot 316

Estimate: $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
ZABARELLA, GIACOMO. De rebus naturalibus libri XXX. Woodcut portrait of the dedicatee, Pope Sixtus V, on title verso. [40], 754, [2] pages. Folio, 305x208 mm, contemporary limp vellum, recased, endpapers conspicuously renewed; occasional light marginal dampstaining with traces of mold on a few leaves, ink stains along top edges, slightly showing internally, some minor worming in blank upper inner corners, top edge of title restored. Venice: Paulus Meietus, 1590

Additional Details

first edition. "Zabarella must be considered one of the major figures of the revival of Aristotelian philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries . . . An important and influential collection of short treatises on various topics of natural philosophy is in his De rebus naturalibus (1590). In it he treats many specific problems (including the motion of heavy and light bodies, reaction, the regions of the air, mixture, and elementary qualities)"--DSB XIV, 581.