Lot 241SYLVANUS, BERNARDUS. [Untitled World Map.]Estimate $ 20,000 - $ 30,000Price Realized $ 42,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 346AAUDUBON, JOHN WOODHOUSE (1812-1862). California Gray Squirrel.Estimate $ 30,000 - $ 50,000Price Realized $ 42,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 343AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Night Heron or Qua Bird. Plate CCXXXVI.Estimate $ 25,000 - $ 35,000Price Realized $ 30,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 21BLAEU, JOHANNES. Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula.Estimate $ 8,000 - $ 12,000Price Realized $ 23,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 170MÜNSTER, SEBASTIAN; and HOLBEIN, HANS. Typus Cosmographicus Universalis.Estimate $ 10,000 - $ 15,000Price Realized $ 16,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 223SCHEDEL, HARTMANN. [World Map.] Das Ander Alter Der Werlt.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 11,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 296SANSON, NICOLAS. Atlas Nouveau.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 11,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 47CHATELAIN, HENRI. Carte Tres Curieuse de la Mer du Sud,Estimate $ 8,000 - $ 12,000Price Realized $ 8,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 293[MONTANUS, ARNOLDUS]; translated by DAPPER, OLFERT. Die Unbekante Neue Welt oder Beschreibung des Welt-teils Amerika.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 8,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 209REISCH, GREGOR. [Untitled Ptolemaic World Map].Estimate $ 3,500 - $ 5,500Price Realized $ 8,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 361COZZENS, FREDERICK. American Yachts, a Series of Water-Color Sketches.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 8,125(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 284LAURIE, ROBERT; and WHITTLE, JAMES. A New and Elegant Imperial Sheet Atlas.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 7,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 322(NATURAL HISTORY.) Jardine, William. The Naturalists Library.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 7,800(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 31(CALIFORNIA.) Stoll, Simon; and J.S. Thayer. Map of the Central Part of the City of Los Angeles California.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 7,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 400(RELIGIOUS DEVOTION.) Large hand-drawn graphic typography devotional composition.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 6,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 265CAREY, MATHEW. Careys General Atlas.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 6,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 40CAVAZZA, JOHANN BATTISTA. Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica Ac Hydrographica Tabula.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 6,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 79FRIES, LAURENT. Orbis Typus Universalis Iuxta Hydrographorum Traditionem Exactissime Depicta.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 6,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 66DANET, GUILLAUME; after DE FER, NICOLAS. Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de la Terre.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 5,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 169MÜNSTER, SEBASTIAN. Tabula Novarum Insularum, Quas Diversis Respectibus Occidentales & Indianas Vocant.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 5,000Price Realized $ 5,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 347BESLER, BASILIUS. Group of 30 uncolored folio engravings from Hortus Eystettensis.Estimate $ 7,000 - $ 10,000Price Realized $ 5,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 78FADEN, WILLIAM. The Province of New Jersey, Divided Into East and West, Commonly Called The Jerseys.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 5,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 6ALLARD, HUGO. Totius Neobelgii Nova et Accuratissima Tabula.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 5,000Price Realized $ 5,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 300ANDREWS, HENRY. The Botanists Repository, for New, and Rare Plants.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 5,000Price Realized $ 5,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 84(GLOBES -- ARMILLARY SPHERE.) [Delamarche family]. [Ptolemaic armillary sphere.]Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 5,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 131KEELER, W.J. National Map of the Territory of the United States from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 174(NEW YORK CITY.) Bachmann, John. Birds Eye View of New York and Environs.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 184ORTELIUS, ABRAHAM. Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 194(PARIS.) Group of 11 engraved case maps.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 145(MANUSCRIPT MAP.) [Armenia].Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 149(MASSACHUSETTS.) Carleton, Osgood. Map of Massachusetts Proper.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 152MERCATOR, RUMOLD. Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 5,000Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 394(NATIVE AMERICANS.) Catlin, George. Wi-Jun-Jon. An Assinneboin Chief.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 87(GLOBES.) Maison Delamarche. Globe Terrestre Revu et Corrige.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 339AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Black-Billed Cuckoo. Plate 32.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 4,420(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 16BIORCK, ERIC TOBIAS; and SILFVERLING, JONAS, engr. Delineatio Pennsilvaniae et Caesareae Nov. Occident Seu West N. Jersey in America.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 282(KOREAN ATLAS.) Chonha Chido [Atlas of all under Heaven].Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 285LE ROUGE, GEORGES LOUIS. Introduction a la Geographie.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 158MITCHELL, JOHN. [Sheet 2, from]: A Map of the British and French Dominions in North America.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 189ORTELIUS, ABRAHAM. Typus Orbis Terrarum.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 297THOMSON, JOHN. A New General Atlas,Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 214(ROME.) Cruyl, Lievin. Pianta di Roma Come si Trova al Presente Colle Alzate Delle Fabriche Piu Nobili Cosi Antiche Come Moderne.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 402(SATIRE.) Holland, William. A March to the Coast!Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 323(ORCHIDS.) Cogniaux, Alfred; and Alphonse Goossens. Dictionnaire Iconographique des Orchidées.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 341AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Great American Shrike or Butcher Bird. Plate CXCII.Estimate $ 1,800 - $ 2,200Price Realized $ 3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 345AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Stanley Hawk. Plate 36.Estimate $ 1,800 - $ 2,200Price Realized $ 3,900(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 18BLAEU, WILLEM. Europa Recens Descripta.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 3,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 393(NATIVE AMERICANS.) Bodmer, Karl. Sih-Chida & Mahchsi-Karehde. Mandan Indians. Tableau 20.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 3,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 67DE BRY, THEODORE. America Sive Novus Orbis Respectu Europaeorum Inferior Globi Terrestris.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 3,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 83(GLOBES -- TELLURIAN.) Joslin, Gilman. Joslins New Six Inch [Solar Telluric] Terrestrial Globe.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 3,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 362(CUBA.) Laplante, Eduardo; after Leonardo Barañano. Group of 7 large-format tinted lithographed plates from Isla de Cuba Pintoresca.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 3,380(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 273GIBSON, JOHN; and BOWEN, EMANUEL. Atlas Minimus, or a New Set of Pocket MapsEstimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 390MOUNT, WILLIAM SIDNEY, after. Coming to the Point.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 294MULLER, JOHANN ULRICH. Geographia Totius Orbis Compendiaria.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 225SENEX, JOHN. North America.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 3,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 125(JAPAN -- TOKAIDO.) Ochikochi Doin; and Hishikawa Moronobu. Tokaido Bunken Ezu [A measured pictorial map of the Tokaido Road.] Part 1.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 3,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 19BLAEU, WILLEM. Asia Noviter Delineata.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 3,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 271FULLARTON, ARCHIBALD; and SHAW, NORTON. The Royal Illustrated Atlas of Modern Geography.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 3,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 65DANCKERTS, JUSTUS. Novi Belgii Novae Que Angliae Nec Non Pennsylvaniae et Partis Virginiae Tabula.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800Price Realized $ 3,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 298WEIGEL, JOHANN CHRISTOPH. Atlas Portatilis, oder Compendieuse Vorstellung der Ganzen Welt, in Einer Kleinen Cosmographie.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 3,000(with Buyer's Premium)