Lot 1(ABOLITION.) [Corydon C. Randall, photographer?] One of the last carte-de-visite portraits taken of Sojourner Truth.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 2(ABOLITION.) "Am I Not a Man and a Brother" wax seal fob.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 3(ABOLITION.) An Abstract of the Evidence Delivered . . . for the Abolition of the Slave-Trade.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
Lot 4(ABOLITION.) An Abstract of the Evidence Delivered . . . for the Abolition of the Slave-TradeEstimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
Lot 5(ABOLITION.) Maria Cowper. Letter of a wealthy English woman describing her opposition to the slave trade.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 6(ABOLITION.) Thomas Clarkson. History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
Lot 7(ABOLITION.) [Thomas Fisher.] The Negro's Memorial or Abolitionist's Catechism, by an Abolitionist.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000
Lot 8(ABOLITION.) David Walker. Walker's Appeal in Four Articles; Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 9(ABOLITION.) Richard Allen of Dublin. Letter announcing "The cause is won!!" after the final passage of emancipation by Parliament.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 10(ABOLITION.) "Alas the poor Africans!": a lawyer is congratulated upon joining the defense team for the Amistad captives.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 11(ABOLITION.) Wilson Armistead. A Tribute for the Negro, being a Vindication of the . . . Coloured Portion of Mankind.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750
Lot 12(ABOLITION.) The first (and only?) issue of a colonization newspaper, "The Separationist, and Advocate of Freedom."Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 13(ABOLITION.) Run of the Anti-Slavery Bugle.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 14(ABOLITION.) Turn Out! Turn Out!! No Compromise with Slavery!!!Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500
Lot 15(ABOLITION.) Uncle Tom's Cabin bandanna.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 16(ABOLITION.) John G. Whittier and Manuel Emelio. Little Eva Song: Uncle Tom's Guardian Angel.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Lot 17(ABOLITION.) Cabinet card portrait of the Rev. Henry Highland Garnet.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500
Lot 18(ABOLITION.) Richard D. Webb. The Life and Letters of Captain John Brown.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
Lot 19(ABOLITION.) Early Southern printing of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation,Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 20(ABOLITION.) Letter describing two refugee women being violently removed from a Washington Civil War camp.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 21(ABOLITION.) E.G. Hutchins, artist. The American Crisis of 1864.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 22(ABOLITION.) General Granger's "Juneteenth" order,Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 23(ABOLITION--HAITI.) Vida de J. J. Dessalines, gefe de los negros de Santo Domingo.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Lot 24(ABOLITION--MONTSERRAT.) Compensation claim for slaves registered in Montserrat at the time of abolition.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 25(ABOLITION--MEXICO.) Dictamen de la comision de esclavos.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 26(AFRICA.) Alexander Crummell. The Relations and Duties of Free Colored Men in America to Africa: A Letter to Charles B. Dunbar.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750
Lot 27(AFRICA.) Antero J. Barboza. Letter by Henry Highland Garnet's son-in-law, requesting support of the family's school in Liberia.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 28(AFRICA.) UAW Welcomes Mandela: U.S. Freedom Tour, June 1990.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750
Lot 29(ART.) Trunkload of artwork and family papers of noted painter Albert Alexander Smith.Estimate $ 10,000 - $ 15,000
Lot 30(ART.) Set of early Harmon Foundation catalogs.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Lot 31(ART.) Group of 5 art exhibition brochures.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 32(ART.) Exhibition of Negro Artists of Chicago.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 33(ART.) "Aaron Douglas Exhibition of Paintings" catalogue from Fisk University.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 34(ART.) Dana Chandler Jr. The Black Revolutionary Family.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 35(ART.) Romare Bearden. "Fortune: A Special Issue on Business and the Urban Crisis," a signed poster featuring Bearden's cover art.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Lot 36(ART.) Sister Gertrude Morgan. Her original painting and inscription in a copy of the book "God's Greatest Hits."Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 37(ART.) USA? An Afro American Artist Presentation: A Visual / Literary Experience.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 38(ART.) Charles White. Wanted Poster Series.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Lot 39(ART.) Romare Bearden. The Olympics: Where Men & Women of All Nations Engage in Peaceful Competition.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
Lot 40(ART.) Correspondence, photos and ephemera of the artist Betye Saar.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Lot 41(ART.) Designs and papers of Los Angeles artist Judson Powell.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 42(ART.) Hughie Lee-Smith. A Collection of Drawings and Paintings Hosted by the Urban League Guild of Greater Hartford.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 43(ART.) Black Artists of Rhode Island exhibition poster.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600
Lot 44(ART.) Graffiti photographs and sketchbook documenting the Philadelphia scene in the late 1990s.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 45(BENJAMIN BANNEKER.) James McHenry. "An Account of Benjamin Banneker, a Free Negro,"Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 46(BLACK PANTHERS.) The Racist Dog Policemen Must Withdraw Immediately From Our Communities.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 47(BLACK PANTHERS.) "The Racist Dog Policemen Must Withdraw Immediately From Our Communities."Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 48(BLACK PANTHERS.) Emory Douglas, artist. [Panther Mother and Child.]Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500
Lot 49(BLACK PANTHERS.) Emory Douglas, artist. Untitled print of a mother and armed child.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Lot 50(BLACK PANTHERS.) Emory Douglas. Untitled print of a mother with rifle slung over her shoulder.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 51(BLACK PANTHERS.) Emory Douglas. All Power to the People [Black Panther newsboy].Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 52(BLACK PANTHERS.) Emory Douglas, artist. Afro-American Solidarity with the Oppressed People of the World.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
Lot 53(BLACK PANTHERS.) [Emory Douglas, artist.] You Can Jail a Revolutionary, but You Can't Jail a Revolution.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 54(BLACK PANTHERS.) Fred Hampton is a Black Panther . . . Assassinated Dec. 4, 1969.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 55(BLACK PANTHERS.) An Attack Against One is an Attack Against All.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Lot 56(BLACK PANTHERS.) "Too many people saw that those who turned the other cheek in Watts got their whole head blown off."Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 57(BLACK PANTHERS.) Free Our Sisters, Free Ourselves.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 58(BLACK PANTHERS.) Group of 9 press photos relating to Angela Davis, including shots with Muhammad Ali and Jane Fonda.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 59(BLACK PANTHERS.) Johanna Vogelsang, artist. Repression Turns Protests Into Wars. . . . Conspiracy 8.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 60(BLACK PANTHERS.) Emory Douglas. Either / Or.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000