Search Results
Sale 2696 - Lot 126 - Mar 06, 2025GIACOMO MANZÙ (1908 - 1991) Reclining Nude.Estimate $2,000 - $3,000Unsold
Sale 2655 - Lot 221 - Dec 07, 2023(DESIGN -- JAPANESE.) Tanaka Yuho. Kogei Shinzu (New Designs for Applied Arts).Estimate $600 - $900Price Realized $875(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2642 - Lot 64 - Jun 22, 2023(KOREA.) Hayashi Shihei; after. Chosen Koku Zenzu.Estimate $1,000 - $1,500Price Realized $938(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2624 - Lot 73 - Dec 08, 2022(KOREA.) Hayashi Shihei; after. Chosen Koku Zenzu.Estimate $1,000 - $1,500Price Realized $3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2624 - Lot 166 - Dec 08, 2022(JAPAN.) Ino Tadataka (after). Kokugun Zenzu (Complete Atlas of Japan.)Estimate $1,200 - $1,800Unsold
Sale 2591 - Lot 257 - Dec 09, 2021(JAPAN.) Ino Tadataka (after). Kokugun Zenzu (Complete Atlas of Japan.)Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $1,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2571 - Lot 32 - Jun 03, 2021(JAPAN.) Kokoku Soku Ryo Zenzu.Estimate $400 - $600Unsold
Sale 2571 - Lot 46 - Jun 03, 2021(KOREA.) Hayashi Shihei; after. Chosen Koku Zenzu.Estimate $1,200 - $1,800Price Realized $2,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2568 - Lot 292 - May 13, 2021DESIGNER UNKNOWN. MEIN NEUER ANZUG . . . SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICH MIT REISSVERSCHLUSS. 23½x16¼ inches, 59¾x41¼ cm. Dorland.Estimate $600 - $900Price Realized $688(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2555 - Lot 118 - Dec 17, 2020(JAPAN -- NAGOYA.) Nagoya Meisai Zenzu.Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $750(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2555 - Lot 119 - Dec 17, 2020(JAPAN -- OSAKA.) Osaka Meisai Zenzu.Estimate $1,000 - $1,500Unsold
Sale 2555 - Lot 279 - Dec 17, 2020(JAPAN.) Ino Tadataka (after). Kokugun Zenzu (Complete Atlas of Japan.)Estimate $1,800 - $2,200Price Realized $2,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2540 - Lot 113 - Jul 09, 2020(JAPAN -- TOKYO.) Kaimei Tokyo Shinzu.Estimate $800 - $1,200Price Realized $1,063(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2540 - Lot 117 - Jul 09, 2020(JAPAN.) Dai Nihon Shokoku Saiken Kokugun Zenzu.Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Unsold
Sale 2540 - Lot 131 - Jul 09, 2020(KOREA.) Shihei, Hayashi; after. Chosen Koku Zenzu.Estimate $1,200 - $1,800Price Realized $3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2527 - Lot 105 - Dec 17, 2019(KOREA.) Shihei, Hayashi; after. Chosen Koku Zenzu.Estimate $1,200 - $1,800Price Realized $2,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2527 - Lot 220 - Dec 17, 2019(WORLD.) Chikyu Bankoku Sankai Kochi Zenzu.Estimate $1,000 - $1,500Unsold
Sale 2527 - Lot 255 - Dec 17, 2019(JAPAN.) Ino Tadataka (after). Nihon Koku Gunzu. [Manuscript atlas].Estimate $2,500 - $3,500Price Realized $2,340(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2512 - Lot 100 - Jun 06, 2019(JAPAN.) Dai Nihon Dochu Saikenzu.Estimate $800 - $1,200Price Realized $625(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2512 - Lot 103 - Jun 06, 2019(JAPAN.) Dai Nihon Zenzu.Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $500(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2512 - Lot 108 - Jun 06, 2019(JAPAN.) Tokyo Zenzu.Estimate $500 - $750Price Realized $715(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2512 - Lot 224 - Jun 06, 2019(WORLD.) Chikyu Bankoku Yochi Zenzu.Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $1,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2496 - Lot 98 - Dec 13, 2018(JAPAN.) Bankoku Sankai Tsuran Bunzu.Estimate $2,000 - $3,000Price Realized $3,380(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2496 - Lot 105 - Dec 13, 2018(JAPAN.) Tokyo Zenzu.Estimate $800 - $1,200Unsold
Sale 2481 - Lot 106 - Jun 07, 2018(JAPAN.) Dai Nihon Zenzu.Estimate $600 - $900Price Realized $1,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2481 - Lot 110 - Jun 07, 2018(JAPAN.) Kaisei Tokyo Zenzu.Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $1,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2481 - Lot 111 - Jun 07, 2018(JAPAN.) Kataoka, Kenzo. Kyoto Shigai Shinzu.Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $1,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2481 - Lot 113 - Jun 07, 2018(JAPAN.) Osaka Shichu Saiken Zenzu.Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $1,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2481 - Lot 124 - Jun 07, 2018(KOREA.) Shihei, Hayashi. Chosen Koku Zenzu.Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $3,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2481 - Lot 240 - Jun 07, 2018(WORLD.) Bankoku Chikyu Kochi Zenzu.Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $2,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2481 - Lot 262 - Jun 07, 2018(JAPAN.) Ino Tadataka (after). Kokugun Zenzu (Complete Atlas of Japan.)Estimate $1,800 - $2,200Price Realized $3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2476 - Lot 237 - May 03, 2018WALTER HOFMANN (1906-1973). MATZNER / BADEANZÜGE. Circa 1950s. 66x48 inches, 169x122 cm. F. Adametz, Vienna.Estimate $1,000 - $1,500Unsold
Sale 2450 - Lot 392 - Jun 07, 2017(PRAGUE.) Pfeffel, Johann Andreas; after Dietzler Johann Josephus. Prächtiger Einzug der Allerdürleuchtigste GrossmächtigstenEstimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $469(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2447 - Lot 232 - May 11, 2017JOSEPH BEUYS American Hare Sugar (Amerikanischer Hasenzucker).Estimate $3,000 - $5,000Price Realized $2,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2434 - Lot 106 - Dec 08, 2016(JAPAN.) Hayashi Shihei. Ezo No Kuni Zenzu (Map of the Ezo Region).Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $750(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2421 - Lot 457 - Aug 03, 2016O. STUDENT (DATES UNKNOWN). HEINR. METTE / SAMENZÜCHTEREI QUEDLINBURG. Circa 1910. 25x36 inches, 65x91 cm. Gebrüder Röhl, Quedlinburg,Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $938(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2421 - Lot 561 - Aug 03, 2016ATELIER HOFMANN. MATZNER / BADEANZÜGE. Circa 1950s. 66x48 inches, 169x122 cm. F. Adametz, Vienna.Estimate $1,500 - $2,000Unsold
Sale 2414 - Lot 83 - May 10, 2016HUGO LAUBI (1888-1959). PKZ / TANZ - ANZUG 125. 1923. 50x35 inches, 127x90 cm.Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2375 - Lot 446 - Mar 05, 2015MAX LIEBERMANN Einzug der Königin von Holland.Estimate $1,200 - $1,800Price Realized $1,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2322 - Lot 551 - Sep 12, 2013GIACOMO MANZU King Oedipus.Estimate $3,000 - $5,000Unsold
Sale 2321 - Lot 429 - Aug 07, 2013O. STUDENT (DATES UNKNOWN). HEINR. METTE / SAMENZÜCHTEREI QUEDLINBURG. Circa 1910. 25x36 inches, 65x91 cm. Gebrüder Röhl, Quedlinburg,Estimate $800 - $1,200Price Realized $900(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2314 - Lot 43 - May 13, 2013HUGO LAUBI (1888-1959). PKZ / TANZ - ANZUG 125. 1923. 50x35 inches, 127x90 cm.Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $840(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2305 - Lot 9 - Feb 28, 2013ALDINE PRESS GREGORY of Nazianzus, Saint. Orationes novem. 1536Estimate $600 - $900Price Realized $1,200(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2286 - Lot 634 - Sep 20, 2012GIACOMO MANZÙ Christo e degli uomini.Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Unsold
Sale 2249 - Lot 74 - Jun 02, 2011(JAPAN.) AKIYAMA Einen. Map of the Terrain of the 13 States visible from Fuji (Fujimi jusanshu yochi no zenzu).Estimate $600 - $900Price Realized $1,320(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2249 - Lot 75 - Jun 02, 2011(JAPAN.) BANNO Tetsujiro. A Detailed Map of the Minonokuni Area ([Kaisei] Minonokuni meisai senzu).Estimate $250 - $350Price Realized $360(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2249 - Lot 81 - Jun 02, 2011(JAPAN.) OCHI Kensei. Complete Map of All the Nations on Earth (Dosen Bankoku yochi zenzu).Estimate $350 - $500Price Realized $270(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2249 - Lot 82 - Jun 02, 2011(JAPAN.) Revised and expanded Map of our National Treasure Osaka (Kaisei zôho kokuhô Ôsaka zenzu).Estimate $250 - $350Price Realized $180(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2195 - Lot 187 - Nov 10, 2009(MANZÙ, GIACOMO.) Ciranna, Alfonso. Giacomo Manzù: Catalogo delle Opere Grafiche (Incisione e Litographie 1929-1968).Estimate $250 - $350Price Realized $210(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2190 - Lot 99 - Oct 20, 2009GRAPENGIESSER, CARL JOHANN CHRISTIAN. Versuche den Galvanismus zur Heilung einiger Krankheiten anzuwenden. 1801Estimate $300 - $500Price Realized $480(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2076 - Lot 99 - Apr 24, 2006FIREWORKS. Kurze Verfassung dess . . . Lust- und Ehren-Feuer-Wercks welches . . . die Stadt Brünn . . . anzünden lassen. 1699Estimate $300 - $500Price Realized $1,035(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2071 - Lot 142 - Mar 09, 2006(ZANZUCCHI, PIERRE.) Tasset, Jean-Marie. Le Papillon a blanchi davoir si peu volé.Estimate $700 - $1,000Unsold
End of Search Results