Nov 06, 2014 - Sale 2364

Sale 2364 - Lot 56

Estimate: $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
(INDIANS.) García, Gregorio. Origen de los Indios de el nuevo mundo e Indias Occidentales. Portrait of St. Thomas of Aquinas and other text illustrations. [20], 7-336, [80] pages. Folio, later 1/4 calf, minor wear; minimal dampstaining. Madrid: Martínez Abad, 1729

Additional Details

Expanded second edition, after the 1607 Valencia first edition. An effort to deduce the origins of the American Indians, using linguistic evidence and their own oral history. One of a series of attractive folio editions of 17th-century works edited by Andrés González de Barcia. Borba de Moraes, page I:346; Cowan 1933, page 229 (notes three references to California); European Americana 729/98; Medina, BHA 2713; Palau 98007n; Sabin 26567.