Lot 1ALCEDO, ANTONIO DE. The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 2(ARGENTINA.) Angelis, Pedro de; editor. Coleccion de obras y documentos relativos a la historia . . . del Rio de la Plata.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 1,820(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 3(ARGENTINA.) Dobrizhoffer, Martin. Historia de abiponibus equestri, bellicosaque paraquariae natione.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 438(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 4(ARGENTINA.) Dobrizhoffer, Martin. An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 5(ARGENTINA.) Real ordenanza para el establecimiento é instruccion de intendentes de exército y provincia en el Virreinato deEstimate $ 600 - $ 900Unsold
Lot 6(ARGENTINA.) Falkner, Thomas. A Description of Patagonia, and the Adjoining Parts of South America.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 7(ARGENTINA.) Lozano, Pedro. Carta . . . escrita al P. Bruno Morales . . . existente en esta Corte de Madrid.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 1,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 8(ARGENTINA.) Machoni de Cerdeña, Antonio. Arte, y vocabulario de la lengua Lule, y Tonocote.Estimate $ 12,000 - $ 18,000Price Realized $ 10,625(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 9(ARIZONA.) [Ortega, José.] Apostolicos afanes de la Compañía de Jesus.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Unsold
Lot 10(ATLAS.) González Cañaveras, Juan Antonio. Nuevo metodo para apreender la geografía.Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 438(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 11(BOLIVIA.) dOrbigny, Alcide. Fragment d´un voyage au centre de l´Amerique Meridionale.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 469(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 12(BRAZIL.) Barros, Andre de. Vida do apostolico Padre Antonio Vieyra da Companhia de Jesus, chamado por antonomasia o Grande.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Unsold
Lot 13(BRAZIL.) Bonucci, Antonio Maria. Epitome chronologico, genealogico, & historico.Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 188(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 14(BRAZIL.) Caramuel Lobkowitz, Juan. Philippus Prudens . . . Lusitaniae, Algarbiae, Indiae, Brasiliae legitimus Rex demonstratus.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Price Realized $ 813(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 15(BRAZIL.) Collecçaõ dos breves pontificios, e leys regias . . . sobre a liberdade das pessoas, bens, e comercio dos indios do Brasil.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 875(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 16(BRAZIL.) Conceição, Apollinario da. Primazia serafica na regiam da America.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Unsold
Lot 17(BRAZIL.) Durão, José de Santa Rita. Caramurú: poema epico do descubrimento da Bahia.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 18(BRAZIL.) José I, King of Portugal. Group of 6 printed decrees, most concerning Brazil and the Indians.Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 594(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 19(BRAZIL.) Lettere annue d´Etiopia, Malabar, Brasil, e Goa dall´anno 1620, fin´al 1624.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Unsold
Lot 20(BRAZIL.) Pair of printed documents relating to the Indians of Graõ Pará and Maranhaõ in northern Brazil.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 688(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 21(CALIFORNIA.) Baegert, Johan Jakob. Nachrichten von der amerikanischen halbinsel Californien.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800Price Realized $ 1,063(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 22(CALIFORNIA.) Chappe dAuteroche, Jean. Voyage en Californie por l´observation du passage de Vénus sur le disque du solèil.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 2,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 23(CALIFORNIA.) Chappe dAuteroche, Jean. A voyage to California to observe the Transit of Venus.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 585(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 24(CALIFORNIA.) Clavigero, Francisco Saverio. Storia della California, opera postuma.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Unsold
Lot 25(CALIFORNIA.) Cooke, Edward. A voyage to the South Sea, and round the world.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 5,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 26(CALIFORNIA.) Engel, Samuel. Memoires et observations geographiques et critiques sur . . . septentrionaux de l´Asie et de l´Amerique.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 4,160(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 27(CALIFORNIA.) [Sales, Luis de.] Noticias de la Provincia de Californias en tres cartas.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 5,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 28(CALIFORNIA.) Venegas, Miguel. Noticia de la California, y de su conquista temporal, y espiritual hasta eltiempo presente.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 5,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 29(CALIFORNIA.) Venegas, Miguel. A natural and civil history of California.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Unsold
Lot 30(CALIFORNIA.) Venegas, Miguel. Histoire naturelle et civile de la Californie.Estimate $ 700 - $ 1,000Unsold
Lot 31(CALIFORNIA.) Venegas, Miguel. Natuurlyke en burgerlyke historie van California.Estimate $ 700 - $ 1,000Price Realized $ 625(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 32(CANADA/ARCTIC.) Charlevoix, Pierre François-Xavier de. Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 625(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 33(CANADA/ARCTIC.) Ellis, Henry. A voyage to Hudsons-Bay . . . for discovering a North West Passage.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Unsold
Lot 34(CANADA/ARCTIC.) Krascheninnikoff, Stephan Petrovich. The History of Kamtschatka.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Price Realized $ 780(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 35(CHILE.) Ovalle, Alonso de. Historica relatione del regno di Cile.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 6,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 36(CHINA.) Ondarza Munave, Juan Antonio de. Breve y compendyosa noticia del pasaje de Manila á ChinaEstimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 5,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 37(COLOMBIA.) Acosta, Joaquín. Compendio histórico de descubrimiento y colonizacion de la Nueva Granada en el siglo décimo sexto.Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 625(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 38(COLOMBIA.) Julian, Antonio. La perla de la America, Provincia de Santa Marta.Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 313(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 39(COMMERCE.) Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François. Historica politica de los establecimientos ultramarinos de las naciones Europeas.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 1,950(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 40(COMMERCE.) Reglamento y aranceles reales para el comercio libre de España a Indias de 12. de octubre de 1778.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 1,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 41(EARLY EXPLORATION.) Ferrer Maldonado, Lorenzo. Imagen del mundo, sobre la esfera, cosmografia, y geografia, teorica de planetas,Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 8,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 42(EARLY EXPLORATION.) Herrera, Antonio de. Novus orbis, sive descriptio Indiae Occidentalis.Estimate $ 10,000 - $ 15,000Price Realized $ 10,625(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 43(EARLY EXPLORATION.) Herrera, Antonio de. Descripcion de las Indias OcidentalesEstimate $ 7,000 - $ 10,000Price Realized $ 11,875(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 44(EARLY EXPLORATION.) León Pinelo, Antonio de. Epitome de la bibliotheca oriental, y occidental, nautica, y geografica.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 45(EARLY EXPLORATION.) Ptolemaeus, Claudius. [Geographia Cl. Ptolemaei Alexandrini.]Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 3,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 46(EARLY EXPLORATION.) Torquemada, Juan de. Primera [-segunda, -tercera] parte de los veinte i un libros rituales i monarchia indiana.Estimate $ 8,000 - $ 12,000Price Realized $ 9,100(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 47(EARLY EXPLORATION.) Group of 4 works on early Spanish exploration and conquest.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 910(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 48(ENGLISH LANGUAGE.) Group of 4 works on Latin America in English.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 358(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 49(FLORIDA.) Gálvez, Bernardo de. Diario de las operaciones de la expedicion contra la Plaza de Panzacola.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 50(FLORIDA.) [González de Barcia, Andres]. Ensayo cronologico, para la historia general de la Florida.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Unsold
Lot 51(FLORIDA.) Lasso de la Vega, García. La Florida del Inca, historia del adelantado Hernando de Soto.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 1,063(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 52(FLORIDA.) A relation of the invasion and conquest of Florida by the Spaniards, under the command of Fernando de Soto.Estimate $ 7,000 - $ 10,000Price Realized $ 6,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 53(FRENCH LANGUAGE.) Group of 7 French works on Latin America.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 1,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 54(GUATEMALA.) Villagutierre Sosomayor, Juan de. Historia de la conquista de la provincia de el Itza,Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 1,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 55(INDIANS.) [Carli, Gian Rinaldo.] Le lettere americane.Estimate $ 250 - $ 350Price Realized $ 250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 56(INDIANS.) García, Gregorio. Origen de los Indios de el nuevo mundo e Indias Occidentales.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Unsold
Lot 57(INDIANS.) González Dávila, Gil. Teatro eclesiastico de la primitiva Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 975(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 58(INDIANS.) Hervas y Panduro, Lorenzo. Catalogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800Price Realized $ 2,860(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 59(INDIANS.) Horn, George. De originibus americanis.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 313(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 60(INDIANS.) [Moxó y de Francolí, Benito María de.] Entretenimientos de un prisionero en las provincias.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Unsold