Nov 06, 2014 - Sale 2364

Sale 2364 - Lot 389

Estimate: $ 500 - $ 750
(MEXICO--1776.) Velasco, Alonso Alberto. Exaltacion de la divina misericordia, en la milagrosa renovacion de la soberana imagen de Christo. Engraved plate. [16], 134, [2] pages. 4to, contemporary vellum, moderate wear; lacking front free endpaper, minor foxing, minor worming; partially erased inked stamp on title page. México: Joseph de Jáuregui, 1776

Additional Details

Fifth edition. Concerning the miraculous reappearance of an image of Christ in the church of the convent of St. Joseph in Mexico City. Medina, México 5962; Palau 357044.