Lot 1WILLIAM H. BRADLEY (1868-1962). THE CHAP - BOOK. August, 1895. 21½x14 inches, 54¾x35½ cm.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 2WILLIAM H. BRADLEY (1868-1962). THE CHAP BOOK. September, 1895. 20½x13¾ inches, 52x35 cm.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 3WILLIAM H. BRADLEY (1868-1962). THE CHAP BOOK / THANKSGIVING NO. 1895. 20¼x13½ inches, 52¾x34¼ cm.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 4WILLIAM H. BRADLEY (1868-1962). FRINGILLA. 1895. 19½x9¼ inches, 49½x23½ cm. [Wayside Press, Springfield, Mass.]Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 5WILLIAM H. BRADLEY (1868-1962). FIELD FLOWERS. 1896. 20½x11¾ inches, 52x29¾ cm. [The Spectrotype Co., Chicago].Estimate $ 700 - $ 1,000
Lot 6MAXFIELD PARRISH (1870-1966). THE CENTURY / MIDSUMMER HOLIDAY NUMBER. 1897. 19½x13 inches, 50x33 cm. The Thomas & Wylie Lithographic CoEstimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 7FREDERICK REMINGTON (1861-1909). THE CENTURY JANUARY / NEW YEAR'S NUMBER. 1902. 20½x14 inches, 52x35½ cm. H.A. Thomas & Wylie Lith. CoEstimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 8AUBREY BEARDSLEY (1872-1898). AVENUE THEATRE / A COMEDY OF SIGHS! 1894. 30x20 inches, 76¼x50¾ cm.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 9FRANK BRANGWYN (1867-1956). THE STUDIO. 1899. 32x21¼ inches, 81¼x54 cm.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 10GEORGES BOTTINI (1874-1907). [ADDRESSE SAGOT OU LA VITRINE DE SAGOT]. 1898. 15x11¼ inches, 38x28½ cm.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500
Lot 11ÉTIENNE MAURICE FIRMIN BOUISSET (1859-1925). CHOCOLAT MENIER / MILANO. 1893. 51½x37½ inches, 130¾x95¼ cm. Camis, Paris.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 12JULES CHÉRET (1836-1932). ALCAZAR D'ETÉ / LOUISE BALTHY. 1893. 48x34¼ inches, 122x87 cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 13JULES CHÉRET (1836-1932). [LES ARTS]. Four decorative panels. 1891. Each 49x33 inches, 124½x83¾ cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 10,000 - $ 15,000
Lot 14GEORGES DORIVAL (1879-1968). LA COTE / GRAND JOURNAL FINANCIER. 1910. 34x24¼ inches, 86½x61½ cm. H. Bouquet, Paris.Estimate $ 700 - $ 1,000
Lot 15LOUIS-LUCIEN FAURE DUJARRIC (1872-1943). SANDOW'S OWN COMBINED DEVELOPER. 1899. 54x39 inches, 137¼x99½ cm. Charle Verneau, Paris.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 16EUGÈNE GRASSET (1845-1917). HISTOIRE DE FRANCE PAR VICTOR DURUY. 1894. 48x32 inches, 122x81¼ cm. Draeger & Lesieur, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 17EUGÈNE GRASSET (1841-1917). [L'ESTAMPE ET L'AFFICHE]. 1897. 23½x17¼ inches, 59¾x44 cm.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 18EUGÈNE GRASSET (1841-1917). [LA SCULPTURE]. 1898. 25x19 inches, 63½x48¼ cm.Estimate $ 700 - $ 1,000
Lot 19H. GRAY (HENRI BOULANGER, 1858-1924). PETITE BIBLIOTHÈQUE OMNIBUS ILLUSTRÉE. 1893. 31x23½ inches, 78¾x59¾ cm. Camis, Paris.Estimate $ 700 - $ 1,000
Lot 20JULES ALEXANDRE GRÜN (1868-1938). JEANNE D'ARC A ROUEN. 1931. 37½x23 inches, 95¼x58½ cm. Wolf, Rouen.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 21D'APRÈS PAOLO HENRI (DATES UNKNOWN). LES PRODUITS DE LA PARFUMERIE IDEA. Circa 1900. 55½x39½ inches, 141x100¼ cm. L. Revon, Paris.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900
Lot 22ALEXANDRE LUNOIS (1863-1916). EXPOSITION / L'ANDALOUSIE AU TEMPS DES MAURES. 1900. 101½x36 inches, 257¾x91½ cm. Lemercier, Paris.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
Lot 23ALBERT MATIGNON (1869-1937). ENGRAIS - GAULOIS / SPECIAL POUR HORTICULTURE. 1904. 21½x14¼ inches, 54½x36¾ cm. Oberthür, Rennes.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 24ATTRIBUTED TO LEOPOLDO METLICOVITZ (1868-1944). CORRIERE DELLE SIGNORE. Circa 1900. 68½x30½ inches, 174x77½ cm. Flli. Treves, Milan.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 25LEOPOLDO METLICOVITZ (1868-1944). SCOGNAMIGLIO CARAMBA. 1907. 79x55½ inches, 200½x141 cm. G. Ricordi & C., Milan.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500
Lot 26LEOPOLDO METLICOVITZ (1868-1944). E. & A. - MELE - & CI. NAPOLI. Billboard. 1907. 81x110¼ inches, 205¾x280 cm. Officine G. Ricordi & C.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500
Lot 27ALEARDO TERZI (1870-1943). GIORNALE DEL MATTINO. 1911. 57x42 inches, 144¾x106¾ cm. E. Chappuis, Bologna.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 28HENRI MEUNIER (1873-1922). CARTES POSTALES ARTISTIQUES / EDITIONS DIETRICH & CIE. 1898. 28x37 inches, 71x94 cm. O. de Rycker, Brussels.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 29ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). GISMONDA. Maitres de l'Affiche pl. 27. 1896. 15¼x11¼ inches, 38¾x28½ cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 30ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). LORENZACCIO. 1896. 38¼x14¾ inches, 97x37½ cm. F. Champenois, Paris.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 31ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). [THE SEASONS]. Group of 4 decorative panels. 1896. Each approximately 41½x22 inches, 105½x56 cm. [F. ChampeEstimate $ 15,000 - $ 20,000
Lot 32ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). L'ILLUSTRATION / NOËL. Magazine Cover. 1896. 16x12 inches, 40½x30½ cm. Ducourtioux & Huillard, [Paris].Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 33ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939) & ROBERT DE FLERS (1872-1927). ILSÉE / PRINCESSE DE TRIPOLI. Bound volume. 1897. 13¼x10¼ inches, 33¾x26 cm.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000
Lot 34ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). SOLEIL DU DIMANCHE. Magazine cover. June 6, 1897. 15½x10¾ inches, 39½x27½ cm. Rougeron Vignerot, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 35ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). BISCUITS LEFÈVRE - UTILE. 1897. 24¼x17½ inches, 61½x44½ cm. F. Champenois, Paris.Estimate $ 8,000 - $ 12,000
Lot 36ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). [BYZANTINE HEAD / BLONDE]. Circa 1899. 23x16½ inches, 58½x42 cm.Estimate $ 7,000 - $ 10,000
Lot 37ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). LA SAMARITAINE. Maitres de l'Affiche pl. 166. 1899. 15½x7½ inches, 39¼x19 cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 38ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). BIÈRES DE LA MEUSE. Maitres de l'Affiche pl. 182. 1899. 15½x11¼ inches, 39¼x28½ cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 39ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). JOB. Maitres de l'Affiche pl. 202. 1900. 16½x12¼ inches, 42x31 cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500
Lot 40ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). DOCUMENTS DÉCORATIFS. Group of 8 plates. 1902. Each plate 18x13 inches, 45¾x33 cm. Emile Levy, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 41ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). DOCUMENTS DÉCORATIFS. Group of 8 plates. 1902. Each plate 18x13 inches, 45¾x33 cm. Emile Levy, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 42ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). DOCUMENTS DÉCORATIFS. Group of 8 plates. 1902. Each plate 18x13 inches, 45¾x33 cm. Emile Levy, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 43ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). DOCUMENTS DÉCORATIFS. Group of 8 plates. 1902. Each plate 18x13 inches, 45¾x33 cm. Emile Levy, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 44ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). C.S. / Y.W.C.A. 1922. 11x7 inches, 28x18 cm. V. Neubert A Synové, [Prague].Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 45ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). TRINER'S BITTER WINE. 1907 & 1930. 21¼x13 inches, 54x33 cm. Brown & Bigelow, St. Paul, Minnesota.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 46ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). BANKA SLAVIE. 9½x6¼ inches, 24¼x15¾ cm. Unie, Prague.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 47ALPHONSE MUCHA (1860-1939). SLAVIA STAROSTLIVÝM MATKÁM. Motherhood pamphlet. 1934. 9¼x6¼ inches, 23½x15¾ cm. Unie, Prague.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 48PAL (JEAN DE PALÉOLOGUE, 1860-1942). RAYON D'OR. Circa 1895. 48x32¼ inches, 122x82 cm. Paul Dupont, Paris.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 49PIERRE PUVIS DE CHAVANNE (1824-1898). GALERIE RAPP / CENTENAIRE DE LA LITHOGRAPHIE. 1895. 58½x40½ inches, 148½x102¾ cm. Lemercier, PariEstimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 50LOUIS J. RHEAD (1858-1926). SALON DES CENT. 1897. 26x19¾ inches, 66x50¼ cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 700 - $ 1,000
Lot 51LOUIS J. RHEAD (1858-1926). BECHSTEIN. Circa 1896. 19½x29½ inches, 49½x75 cm. Hare & Co., London.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 52THÉOPHILE-ALEXANDRE STEINLEN (1859-1923). [EXPOSITION DE L'OEUVRE EXPOSITION DE L'OEUVRE DE T.A. STEINLEN]. 1894. 23x30¼ inches, 58½xEstimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 53VARIOUS ARTISTS. LES MAITRES DE L'AFFICHE. Group of 18 plates. 1896-1900. Each approximately 16x11½ inches, 40½x19¼ cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 54DESIGNER UNKNOWN. PARFUMERIE AUX FLEURS DU BOSPHORE. Circa 1900. 21x17 inches, 53x43 cm. J.E. Goossens, Paris.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000
Lot 55DESIGNER UNKNOWN. BISCUITS LEFÈVRE - UTILE. Window card & flyer. Circa 1901. 23½x31 inches, 59¾x78¾ cm. Joubain & Beuchet, Nantes.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200
Lot 56HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC (1864-1901). [ARISTIDE BRUANT DANS SON CABARET]. 1893. 54½x39 inches, 138½x99 cm. Charles Verneau, Paris.Estimate $ 15,000 - $ 20,000
Lot 57HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC (1864-1901). MAY BELFORT. 1895. 30½x23¾ inches, 77½x60¼ cm. Kleinmann, Paris.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000
Lot 58HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC (1864-1901). MAY MILTON. 1895. 31x22¾ inches, 78¾x57¾ cm. [Edw. Ancourt, Paris.]Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
Lot 59HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC (1864-1901). ELLES. 1896. 25¼x19½ inches, 64x59½ cm. G. Pellet, Paris.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
Lot 60HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC (1864-1901). DIVAN JAPONAIS. Maitres de l'Affiche pl. 2. 1896. 15½x11¼ inches, 39½x28½ cm. Chaix, Paris.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000