Search Results
Sale 2689 - Lot 276 - Dec 10, 2024(SATIRE.) George Moutard Woodward. [Pygmy Revels, or, All Alive at Lilliput].Estimate $400 - $600Price Realized $375(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2666 - Lot 81 - Apr 18, 2024ANTHONY VAN DYCK Collection of approximately 165 portrait etchings and engravings from Icones Principum Virorum Doctorum and other seriEstimate $5,000 - $8,000Price Realized $3,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2666 - Lot 178 - Apr 18, 2024SALVATOR ROSA The Fall of the Giants * The Rescue of the Infant Oedipus.Estimate $4,000 - $6,000Unsold
Sale 2665 - Lot 125 - Apr 11, 2024Monte Rochen, Guido de (active circa 1330) Manipulus Curatorum.Estimate $10,000 - $15,000Price Realized $11,875(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2653 - Lot 207 - Nov 16, 2023FRANK STELLA Fattipuff.Estimate $8,000 - $12,000Price Realized $16,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2635 - Lot 193 - May 04, 2023Cochlaeus, Johannes (1479-1552) Joannis Calvini In Acta Synodi Tridentinae Censura & eiusdem Brevis Confutatio, circa duas Praecipue CaEstimate $300 - $500Unsold
Sale 2621 - Lot 21 - Nov 10, 2022DESIGNER UNKNOWN. VISIT INDIA / UDAIPUR. Circa 1950s. 38½x23¾ inches, 97¾x60¼ cm. Messrs Imperial Art Cottage, Calcutta.Estimate $800 - $1,200Price Realized $594(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2617 - Lot 83 - Oct 13, 2022Demosthenes and Aeschines. Principum Graeciae Oratorum Opera.Estimate $800 - $1,200Unsold
Sale 2617 - Lot 199 - Oct 13, 2022Geoffrey of Monmouth (c. 1095-c. 1155) Brita[n]nie Utriusq[ue] Reg[n]u[m] & Pri[n]cipu[m] Origo & Gesta Insignia.Estimate $4,000 - $6,000Price Realized $8,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2603 - Lot 187 - May 05, 2022Boissard, Jean Jacques (1528-1602) Icones Illustrium et Clarorum Vivorum Quorum Praecipue Opera Literae Humaniores & Pura Religio, RestEstimate $400 - $600Price Realized $531(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2593 - Lot 240 - Jan 27, 2022KARL KNATHS (1891-1971) Oedipus and Antgone at Colonus, (Double Sided Studies).Estimate $600 - $800Price Realized $406(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2592 - Lot 171 - Dec 16, 2021HARRISON CADY (1877-1970) Gulliver Knickerbocker and the Lilliputians. [ANTI-SEMITIC / CARTOONS / LIFE MAGAZINE]Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $2,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2582 - Lot 82 - Oct 14, 2021Panvinius, Onuphrius (1529-1568) Reipublicae Romanae Commentariorum Libri Tres.Estimate $300 - $500Price Realized $293(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2563 - Lot 207 - Apr 08, 2021Faraday, Michael (1791-1867) Manipulations Chimiques.Estimate $200 - $300Price Realized $195(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2558 - Lot 216 - Feb 18, 2021DESIGNER UNKNOWN. UDAIPUR / VISIT INDIA. Circa 1950s. 39x24 inches, 101x62 cm. Messrs Imperial Art Cottage, Calcutta.Estimate $1,000 - $1,500Price Realized $715(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2555 - Lot 244 - Dec 17, 2020TORNIELLO, AUGUSTINO. Situs Partium Praecipuarum Totius Orbis Terrarum.Estimate $600 - $900Price Realized $688(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2531 - Lot 253 - Feb 25, 2020(INDIA/CEYLON [SRI LANKA]--BOURNE/SHEPHERD/SCOWEN/SKEEN) Album with approx. 60 photos: Jaipur, Agra, Lucknow, Darjeeling & Mt. Everest.Estimate $4,000 - $6,000Price Realized $5,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2521 - Lot 122 - Oct 24, 2019PHILIPPINES JESÚS, DIEGO DE. Manipulus orationum. 1675Estimate $800 - $1,200Price Realized $2,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2512 - Lot 93 - Jun 06, 2019HONDIUS, JODOCUS. Insulae Indiae Orientalis Praecipuae in Quibus Moluccae Celeberrime Sunt.Estimate $600 - $900Price Realized $585(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2506 - Lot 274 - Apr 18, 2019(KODAK ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT--ALL•BUM) A humorous company album and early example of photo-manipulation and appropriation, comprisinEstimate $1,500 - $2,500Unsold
Sale 2501 - Lot 122 - Mar 07, 2019INCUNABULA HEROLT. Liber discipuli de eruditione Christifidelium. 1496 + PELBARTUS. Sermones Pomerii quadragesimales. 1499Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2501 - Lot 249 - Mar 07, 2019[SELBY or READE, RICHARD WILFRID.] Bonifacius VIII. e familia Caietanorum principum Romanus pontifex. 1651Estimate $250 - $350Price Realized $228(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2497 - Lot 80 - Jan 29, 2019(INDIAN CARPETS.) HENDLEY, THOMAS HOLBEIN. Asian Carpets: XVI. and XVII. Century Designs from the Jaipur Palaces.Estimate $1,200 - $1,800Price Realized $1,875(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2490 - Lot 41 - Oct 25, 2018WILLIAM SPENCER BAGDATOPOULOS (1888-1965). VISIT INDIA / UDAIPUR. Circa 1925. 39x24 inches, 100x63 cm. The Times of India Press, [BombaEstimate $1,000 - $1,500Price Realized $1,105(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2490 - Lot 43 - Oct 25, 2018A. GRIMMER (DATES UNKNOWN). JAIPUR / HAWA MAHAL / B.B. & C.I. RLY. 1935. 38x23 inches, 98x59 cm. Bolton Fine Art, Bombay.Estimate $800 - $1,200Price Realized $780(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2488 - Lot 77 - Oct 16, 2018INCUNABULA ANTONINUS FLORENTINUS, Saint. Trialogus super evangelio de duobus discipulis euntibus in Emmaus. 1495Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2488 - Lot 88 - Oct 16, 2018INCUNABULA HEROLT, JOHANNES. Liber discipuli de eruditione Christifidelium. Circa 1479-81Estimate $2,000 - $3,000Price Realized $4,940(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2488 - Lot 255 - Oct 16, 2018PHILIPPINES JESÚS, DIEGO DE. Manipulus orationum. 1675Estimate $4,000 - $6,000Unsold
Sale 2473 - Lot 290 - Apr 12, 2018(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1847.) Espinosa de los Monteros, J.N. Protesta de la diputacion permanente del estado de Chihuahua.Estimate $500 - $750Price Realized $344(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2464 - Lot 232 - Dec 05, 2017TORNIELLO, AUGUSTINO. Situs Partium Praecipuarum Totius Orbis Terrarum.Estimate $700 - $1,000Unsold
Sale 2460 - Lot 202A - Nov 02, 2017FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE GOYA Si sabrá mas el discipulo.Estimate $3,000 - $5,000Unsold
Sale 2459 - Lot 39 - Oct 26, 2017DESIGNER UNKNOWN. VISIT INDIA / JAIPUR. 39x24 inches, 99x61 cm. Survey of India Offices, Dehra Dun.Estimate $700 - $1,000Unsold
Sale B76 - Lot 3 - Aug 23, 2017Limited Editions Club, including Heart of Darkness, Oedipus and Description of a Masque, plus Art books & miscellaneous. 1 shelf, ap...Estimate $600 - $900Price Realized $3,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2450 - Lot 66 - Jun 07, 2017(GENOA.) Homann, Johann Baptist. Status Reipublicae Genuensis.Estimate $800 - $1,200Price Realized $813(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2450 - Lot 96 - Jun 07, 2017HONDIUS, JODOCUS. Insulae Indiae orientalis Praecipuae in quibus Moluccae celeberrime sunt.Estimate $700 - $1,000Price Realized $585(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2441 - Lot 18 - Mar 30, 2017(SLAVERY AND ABOLITION---DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.) Anthony Smith of Georgetown sells his slave boy Jacob, age sixteen, stipulating that heEstimate $400 - $600Price Realized $875(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2434 - Lot 58 - Dec 08, 2016HONDIUS, JODOCUS. Insulae Indiae orientalis Praecipuae in quibus Moluccae celeberrime sunt.Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $2,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2420 - Lot 341 - Jun 21, 2016(CUBA.) [Boloix, Pablo.] [La diputación para la Junta de Gobierno de la Casa de Beneficencia . . .Estimate $300 - $400Price Realized $250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2417 - Lot 53 - May 26, 2016HONDIUS FAMILY. Insulae Indiae Orientalis Praecipuae, in quibus Moluccae celebrrime sunt.Estimate $500 - $750Price Realized $563(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2379 - Lot 292 - Apr 09, 2015BOISSARD, JEAN-JACQUES. Vitae et icones Sultanorum Turcicorum, principum Persarum [et al.]. 1596Estimate $3,000 - $5,000Price Realized $6,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2364 - Lot 268 - Nov 06, 2014(MANILA--1675.) Jesús, Diego de. Manipulus orationum quibus Christi domini sacerdotes.Estimate $5,000 - $7,500Price Realized $8,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2362 - Lot 98 - Oct 21, 2014MUHAMMAD. Ehrharth, Jacob. De illustrium ac obscurorum scriptorum erroribus praecipuis, in historia Mahometi . . . dissertatio. 1731Estimate $200 - $300Price Realized $585(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2362 - Lot 341 - Oct 21, 2014OCCULT PEUCER, CASPAR. Commentarius de praecipuis generibus divinationum. 1580. Lacks the folding table.Estimate $400 - $600Price Realized $469(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2356 - Lot 363 - Aug 06, 2014JOSÉ MORELL (1899-1949). PLAYAS DE GUIPUZCOA. 1938. 39x24 inches, 99x62 cm. T.G. Llauger, Barcelona.Estimate $500 - $750Price Realized $384(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2349 - Lot 128 - May 07, 2014(OFFICINA BODONI.) Sophocles. King Oedipus.Estimate $2,000 - $3,000Price Realized $4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2330 - Lot 52 - Nov 12, 2013BOISSARD, JEAN-JACQUES. Vitae et icones Sultanorum Turcicorum, principum Persarum [et al.]. 1596Estimate $5,000 - $7,000Unsold
Sale 2322 - Lot 551 - Sep 12, 2013GIACOMO MANZU King Oedipus.Estimate $3,000 - $5,000Unsold
Sale 2307 - Lot 135 - Mar 12, 2013Stipula Etruria Amber 365.Estimate $100 - $200Price Realized $313(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2307 - Lot 136 - Mar 12, 2013Stipula Iris Limited Edition.Estimate $250 - $350Price Realized $450(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2305 - Lot 87 - Feb 28, 2013HARAEUS, FRANCISCUS. Annales ducum seu principum Brabantiæ totiusq[ue] Belgii tomi tres. 3 vols. in 2. 1623Estimate $300 - $500Price Realized $250(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2305 - Lot 123 - Feb 28, 2013LAW GUIPÚZCOA. Nueva Recopilación de los Fueros [etc.] . . . de la . . . Provincia de Guipúzcoa. 1697 [i. e., 1697]Estimate $800 - $1,200Price Realized $480(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2283 - Lot 9 - Jun 28, 2012ANTHONY VAN DYCK Group of 8 etchings from Icones Principum Virorum Doctorum.Estimate $1,000 - $1,500Price Realized $1,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2277 - Lot 48 - Apr 25, 2012GIOVANNI BATTISTA PITTONI (after Hieronymus Cock) Praecipua aliquot Romanae Antiquitatis Ruinarum MonimentaEstimate $2,000 - $3,000Price Realized $1,920(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2269 - Lot 173 - Feb 23, 2012(LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB.) Dürrenmatt, Friedrich. Oedipus.Estimate $300 - $400Price Realized $270(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2269 - Lot 255 - Feb 23, 2012(ROGER ASCHAM PRESS.) Gustafson, Ralph. Manipulations on Greek Themes.Estimate $500 - $750Price Realized $1,140(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2258 - Lot 470 - Oct 26, 2011CHRISTINE ENGLER Drum Dance of Manipur.Estimate $500 - $750Price Realized $480(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2256 - Lot 97 - Oct 17, 2011HERESBACH, CONRAD. De educandis erudiendisque principum liberis. 1570 + HERVET, GENTIAN. Oratio ad Concilium [Tridentinum]. 1556Estimate $1,000 - $1,500Price Realized $1,200(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2256 - Lot 153 - Oct 17, 2011PANVINIO, ONOFRIO. Reipublicae Romanae commentariorum libri tres. 1597Estimate $300 - $500Price Realized $210(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2249 - Lot 117 - Jun 02, 2011ORTELIUS, ABRAHAM. Carpetaniae / Guipus Coae / Hanc Insulam Perlustrabat.Estimate $200 - $300Price Realized $360(with Buyer's Premium)
Sale 2249 - Lot 207 - Jun 02, 2011(ORIENTAL CARPETS.) Hendley, Col. T. H. Asian Carpets XVI. and XVII. Century Designs from the Jaipur Palaces.Estimate $1,500 - $2,500Price Realized $1,800(with Buyer's Premium)