Lot 1ROBERT BENNEY (1904-2001) Mme. Chiang Kai-shek.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Unsold
Lot 2HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY (1872-1952) Fleet returning to shore.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Unsold
Lot 3GIBSON CROCKETT (1912-2000) Blue Devil swabbing the deck.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800Unsold
Lot 4JOSEPH FRANCIS KERNAN (1878 - 1958) Dog Bath.Estimate $ 40,000 - $ 60,000Price Realized $ 52,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 5JOSEPH CHRISTIAN LEYENDECKER (1874-1951) Shoo Chickens!Estimate $ 15,000 - $ 25,000Price Realized $ 18,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 6RONALD NORMAN MCLEOD (1897-1977) Twilight in Germany.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Unsold
Lot 7KAY NIELSEN (1886-1957) Pierrot with dolls.Estimate $ 10,000 - $ 15,000Price Realized $ 8,125(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 8ROBERT PROWSE (1858-1934) Texas Jack in Mexico.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 406(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 9CHARLES GATES SHELDON (1889-1960) Lois Lait.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Unsold
Lot 10CHARLES E. WHITE III (1940-2022) Bubble Dollar.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 469(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 11NICHOLAS (NICKY) ZANN (1943-2020) Jimmy Carter.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 531(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 12HAROLD ANDERSON (1894-1973) Cowboy lounge.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Unsold
Lot 13MICHAEL BERRY (1907-2000) Travel--anywhere--is all that the Japanese have left by way of amusement.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Unsold
Lot 14AUSTIN BRIGGS (1908-1973) She stood there motionless - lovely and waiting.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Unsold
Lot 15MICK BROWNFIELD (1947- ) Vintage toys.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Unsold
Lot 16SPENCER DOUGLASS CROCKWELL (1904-1968) Christmas Club - Merriest Way to Save!Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,000Price Realized $ 3,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 17PAUL DAVIS (1938- ) Map of Russia with Czars.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 438(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 18RICHARD ERDOES (1912-2008) Europe 1970: Land of the Giant-Makers.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Unsold
Lot 19RICHARD ERDOES (1912-2008) Storks delivering babies.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 563(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 20RICHARD ERDOES (1912-2008) Streetcar.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Unsold
Lot 21RICHARD ERDOES (1912-2008) Vienna, the Music Capital.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Unsold
Lot 22ROBERT FAWCETT (1903-1967) It is quite useless to froth at me, Porter.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000Unsold
Lot 23CLARK FAY (1894-1956) Couple in roadster.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 1,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 24CHARLES DANA GIBSON (1867-1944) Piano Man.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 1,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 25MILTON GLASER (1929-2020) A Telegram from Mr. Smooth.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800Unsold
Lot 26ERICH GODAL (1899-1969) 2 illustrations.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Unsold
Lot 27GEORGE HUGHES (1907-1990) When he was sent back again, the girl lay taut on the lawn.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Unsold
Lot 28ELBERT MCGRAN JACKSON (1896-1962) Mr. Crouch found the paper and read the offer aloud.Estimate $ 1,200 - $ 1,800Unsold
Lot 29EVERETT RAYMOND KINSTLER (1926-2019) For Humans Only.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Price Realized $ 1,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 30EVERETT RAYMOND KINSTLER (1926-2019) Shootout on horseback.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000Price Realized $ 1,875(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 31WILLIAM H. D. KOERNER (1878-1938) She glanced backward, across her shoulder, furtively, like a thief.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Unsold
Lot 32JOSEPH CHRISTIAN LEYENDECKER (1874-1951) Girl in Flowers.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Unsold
Lot 33ORSON LOWELL (1871-1956) He catches the train - but spreads confusion.Estimate $ 750 - $ 1,000Price Realized $ 875(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 34ANGUS PETER MACDONALL (1876-1927) Discipline.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 35STANLEY MELTZOFF Study for Big Day in Tuxedo.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Unsold
Lot 36JEAN-MICHEL NICOLLET (1944-2015) The Butler presents the Canadian Tuxedo.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Unsold
Lot 37JEAN-MICHEL NICOLLET (1944-2015) Super cupid.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Unsold
Lot 38MEAD SCHAEFFER (1898-1980) The Dead Ride Hard.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Unsold
Lot 39JAMES B. SETTLES (1902-1957) Viking boat.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Unsold
Lot 40CHARLES B. SLACKMAN (1934-2015) 2 illustrations for The Pentagon of Power.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 531(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 41CHARLES B. SLACKMAN (1934-2015) Thrifty Spy on the 6th Avenue El.Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 438(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 43RICHARD STONE (1925- ) The Transfer.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Unsold
Lot 44HAROLD VON SCHMIDT (1893-1982) The two tugs drew within hailing distance in the heavy tide rips off Cape Flattery.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 1,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 45REVERE F. WISTEHUFF (1900-1971) Joes Express Delivery.Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000Unsold
Lot 46J. ROACH (ARTIST UNKNOWN) Pondering woman.Estimate $ 500 - $ 700Unsold
Lot 47DEAN CORNWELL (1892-1960) A noisy street car disturbed his sleep.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 1,950(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 48SPENCER DOUGLASS CROCKWELL (1904-1968) Merry Christmas, she said, And dont be sad any more. Please.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 2,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 49AL HIRSCHFELD (1903-2003) Roulette at the El San Juan Casino.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 7,000Price Realized $ 8,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 50JAMES MARSH (1946 -) Sound Waves.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 688(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 51ROY F. SPRETER (1899-1967) Safely through the critical years.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Price Realized $ 688(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 52RICHARD STONE (1925- ) Sutton Place/59th Street Bridge.Estimate $ 750 - $ 1,000Price Realized $ 500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 53BALLINGER (ARTIST UNKNOWN) Hamilton Old Treaty Bond.Estimate $ 250 - $ 350Price Realized $ 293(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 54ARTIST UNKNOWN / ATOMIC GAMES Close Combat II: A Bridge Too Far.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Price Realized $ 910(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 55ROBERT BENNEY (1904-2001) Esso oil and the atom.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Unsold
Lot 56(NEW YORKER) CHARLES ADDAMS (1912-1988) And then I disconnected the booster from the Electro-Snuggie blanket.Estimate $ 10,000 - $ 20,000Price Realized $ 18,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 57(NEW YORKER) J. B. HANDELSMAN (1922-2007) THE AFRICAN QUEEN “Tell us again about Bogie and Hepburn coming up the river.”Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 1,875(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 58(NEW YORKER) ROBERT DE MICHIELL (1958-2015) Joseph Siravo and Mary Mara in Dream of a Common Language.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 59(NEW YORKER) WILLIAM STEIG (1907-2003) Whos a tyrant?Estimate $ 750 - $ 1,000Price Realized $ 2,860(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 60(NEW YORKER) TOM TORO (1982- ) An algorithm matched us as soul mates . . .Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Price Realized $ 938(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 61(NEW YORKER) TOM TORO (1982- ) I think I know where the passion in our marriage has gone.Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Price Realized $ 910(with Buyer's Premium)