Lot 190AUSTEN, JANE. Pride and Prejudice: A Novel. In Three Volumes. By the Author of Sense and Sensibility.Estimate $ 20,000 - $ 30,000Price Realized $ 100,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 191AUSTEN, JANE. Sense and Sensibility: A Novel. In Three Volumes.Estimate $ 30,000 - $ 40,000Price Realized $ 81,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 323SALINGER, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye.Estimate $ 7,000 - $ 10,000Price Realized $ 35,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 187AUSTEN, JANE. Emma: A Novel in Three Volumes. By the Author of Pride and Prejudice &c. &c.Estimate $ 15,000 - $ 20,000Price Realized $ 27,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 188AUSTEN, JANE. Mansfield Park: A Novel. In Three Volumes.Estimate $ 8,000 - $ 12,000Price Realized $ 20,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 4(CIVIL WAR.) LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Partly-printed Document Signed, as President,Estimate $ 15,000 - $ 25,000Price Realized $ 18,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 13(PHILIPPINE-AMERICAN WAR.) AGUINALDO, EMILIO. Two items Signed, EAguinaldo, as President: Autograph Letter, to Commanding General ofEstimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 18,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 186[ARABIAN NIGHTS.] Macnaghten, W.H. (editor). The Alif Laila or Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night,Estimate $ 12,000 - $ 18,000Price Realized $ 12,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 189AUSTEN, JANE. Northanger Abbey: and Persuasion.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 11,875(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 42GANDHI, MOHANDAS K. Check endorsed, M. Ghandi / MKGandhi, on verso, payable to him from attorney Ralph E. LumEstimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 12,350(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 246GREENE, GRAHAM. Basement Room.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 11,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 14SEWALL, STEPHEN. Autograph Document Signed, ordering a meeting of justices of the peace to be held on July 26.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 10,625(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 222DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR. Crime and Punishment. A Russian Realistic Novel.Estimate $ 3,500 - $ 5,000Price Realized $ 9,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 136DICK, PHILIP K. Small archive of 5 items Signed, to his psychiatrist Dr. Harry Bryan: 3 Typed Letters * Greeting card * Dust jacket forEstimate $ 3,500 - $ 5,000Price Realized $ 9,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 361(BARBIER, GEORGE and FRANÇOIS-LOUIS SCHMIED.) Louÿs, Pierre. Les Chansons de Bilitis.Estimate $ 8,000 - $ 12,000Price Realized $ 9,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 357WOOLF, VIRGINIA. Kew Gardens.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 8,125(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 373(DALÍ, SALVADOR.) Carroll, Lewis. Alices Adventures in Wonderland.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 8,125(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 232FAULKNER, WILLIAM. Sound and the Fury.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 7,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 301LEVY, D.A. North American Book of the Dead Part 1 and 2.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 7,800(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 247GREENE, GRAHAM. Brighton Rock.Estimate $ 8,000 - $ 12,000Price Realized $ 7,540(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 82LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Partly-printed vellum Document Signed, as President, military commission appointing Edward G. BeckwithEstimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 7,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 208(CHILDRENS LITERATURE.) SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE de. The Little Prince.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 7,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 245GREENE, GRAHAM. Babbling April.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 6,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 206(CHILDRENS LITERATURE.) BAUM, L. FRANK. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 6,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 251GREENE, GRAHAM. Its a Battlefield.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 6,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 57(SCIENTISTS.) EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Etched bust portrait of him by Hermann Struck, Signed at lower right, in pencil, showing him in ¾ view.Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 6,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 242GARCIA MARQUEZ, GABRIEL. Cien Años de Soledad.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 5,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 83LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Partly-printed vellum Document Signed, as President, military commission appointing Levi Ward Smith Hospital ChaplainEstimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 5,720(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 112MAHLER, GUSTAV. Autograph Note Signed, Gust. Mahler, to Toni Marcus, in German, in pencil, on a postcard,Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 5,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 20(ASTRONAUTS--PROJECT MERCURY.) We Seven. Signed by all 7 authorsEstimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 5,460(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 27BYRD, RICHARD E. Small archive of items sent to publisher of the Syracuse Post-Standard Jerome Dewitt Barnum, including 6 TLsS, DickByEstimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 5,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 33DIANA; PRINCESS OF WALES. Group of 6 Autograph Letters Signed, Diana, to Harpers Bazaar editor Elizabeth Tilberis,Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 5,460(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 267GREENE, GRAHAM. Third Man and the Fallen Idol.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 5,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 333TOLKIEN, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 5,200(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 314PESSOA, FERNANDO. Mensagem.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 4,940(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 330STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 228FAULKNER, WILLIAM. A Fable.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 230FAULKNER, WILLIAM. Mansion.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 356WOLFE, THOMAS. Look Homeward, Angel. A Story of the Buried Life.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 4,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 375(DELAUNAY, SONIA.) Rimbaud, Arthur. Les Illuminations.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 4,940(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 30CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. Two items: Autograph Letter Signed * Churchill. The River War. Signed and Inscribed, only volume 2 present.Estimate $ 2,500 - $ 3,500Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 44HIROHITO AND NAGAKO; EMPEROR AND EMPRESS OF JAPAN. Two Photographs Signed, each by one, in Japanese,Estimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 149NAIDU, SAROJINI. Complete galley proof of her book The Broken Wing mounted to recto pages bound into a book, Signed 7 times, includingEstimate $ 6,000 - $ 9,000Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 256GREENE, GRAHAM. Man Within.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 280HEMINGWAY, ERNEST. Men Without Women.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 4,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 148MONTESQUIEU, CHARLES DE SECONDAT. Letter Signed, Montesquieu, with holograph address panel, to one of his daughtersEstimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,375(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 132BORGES, JORGE LUIS. Two books, each dated and Signed on the front free endpaper: Herbert Asbury. Gangs of New York * William Boliltho.Estimate $ 350 - $ 500Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 216[CORVO, BARON (pseud, of Frederick William Rolfe)]. Tarcissus: The Boy Martyr of Rome, in the Diocletian Persecution A.D. CCCIII.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 29CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. Photograph Signed, ¾-length portrait by Walter Stoneman,Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 269GREENE, GRAHAM. Third Man.Estimate $ 1,800 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 4,250(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 133BORGES, JORGE LUIS. Two books, each Signed on the front free endpaper: Jack Bilbo. Carrying a Gun for Al Capone * Frederick Watson. A CEstimate $ 350 - $ 500Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 34DIANA; PRINCESS OF WALES. Dresses from the Collection of Diana, Princess of Wales. Signed, Diana, on the half-title.Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 4,000(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 88ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN D. Typescript Signed, draft of the address accepting his second nomination for president,Estimate $ 5,000 - $ 7,500Price Realized $ 3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 229FAULKNER, WILLIAM. Intruder in the Dust.Estimate $ 3,500 - $ 5,000Price Realized $ 3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 231FAULKNER, WILLIAM. Requiem For A Nun.Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 352WHITMAN, WALT. Leaves of Grass.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 3,900(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 158WOOLF, VIRGINIA. Autograph Letter Signed, V.W., to her brother-in-law art critic Clive Bell (My dear Clive),Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 295LEROUX, GASTON. Le Fantôme de lOpéra.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 3,750(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 213COLLINS, WILKIE. The Woman in White.Estimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 3,500(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 226EVERSON, WILLIAM (printer). JEFFERS, ROBINSON. Granite & Cypress: Rubbings from the Rock.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 3,500(with Buyer's Premium)