Lot 1(ALBUM--ABOLITIONISTS.) Autograph album containing approximately 35 Signatures, or Autograph Inscriptions Signed, by 19th-century aboliEstimate $ 7,000 - $ 10,000Unsold
Lot 2(AMERICAN REVOLUTION.) BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE AUGUSTIN CARON DE. Autograph Manuscript Signed, twice, within the text in the third person,Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 1,320(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 3(AMERICAN REVOLUTION.) ELLSWORTH, OLIVER. Document Signed, "Oliv:Ellsworth Assist't,"Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 210(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 4(AMERICAN REVOLUTION.) WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Partly-printed Document Signed, "G:Washington," as Commander-in-Chief,Estimate $ 7,000 - $ 10,000Price Realized $ 11,400(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 5BLAINE, JAMES G. Autograph Letter Signed, "JGBlaine,"Estimate $ 200 - $ 300Price Realized $ 300(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 6BURR, AARON. Autograph Letter Signed, "A.B.," to Samuel Chester Reid (lacking salutation),Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Unsold
Lot 7(CIVIL WAR.) BENJAMIN, JUDAH P. Autograph Letter Signed, "J.P. Benjamin," as Confederate States Secretary of State,Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 1,680(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 8(CIVIL WAR.) COLFAX, SCHUYLER. Autograph Letter Signed, as Congressman,Estimate $ 250 - $ 350Unsold
Lot 9(CIVIL WAR.) HUNTER, DAVID. Document Signed, "D. Hunter," manumitting London Henry and his family.Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 1,920(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 10(CIVIL WAR.) HUNTER, DAVID. Two items: Autograph Letter Signed, "D. Hunter / Maj. Gen." * Autograph Endorsement Signed, "D. Hunter / MaEstimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 330(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 11(CIVIL WAR.) SMITH, CALEB BLOOD. Autograph Letter Signed, "Caleb B. Smith," as Secretary of the Interior, to the American Consul at MonEstimate $ 200 - $ 300Price Realized $ 180(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 12(CIVIL WAR.) Three items: Ulysses S. Grant. Etched portrait Signed and Inscribed, as President * William Tecumseh Sherman. Photograph SEstimate $ 3,000 - $ 4,000Price Realized $ 3,120(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 13(CIVIL WAR.) Group of 7 items Signed, or Signed and Inscribed, by Confederate and Union military and political figures.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 780(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 14CLINTON, DEWITT. Two Autograph Letters Signed, as Mayor of New York City,Estimate $ 350 - $ 500Price Realized $ 510(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 15CLYMER, GEORGE. Autograph Letter Signed, "GC," to his brother-in-law Samuel Meredith,Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Unsold
Lot 16CODY, WILLIAM F. ("BUFFALO BILL"). Autograph Letter Signed, "Uncle-Will," to George Cody Goodman and Anna Josephine Bond ("Dear Georg [Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Price Realized $ 2,640(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 17DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. Typed Letter Signed, a copy of a letter to the Young Churchman Company, and on the same sheet, an Autograph Note SEstimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Price Realized $ 1,200(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 18GALLATIN, ALBERT. Autograph Letter Signed, as President of the National Bank in New York,Estimate $ 200 - $ 300Price Realized $ 240(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 19HOUSTON, SAMUEL; AND RUSK, THOMAS JEFFERSON. Endorsement Signed, "Sam Houston," and "ThoJRusk," each as Senator,Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 660(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 20HOWE, JULIA WARD. Autograph Quotation Signed,Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Unsold
Lot 21HUNTER, DAVID. Autograph Letter Signed, "D. Hunter,"Estimate $ 200 - $ 300Price Realized $ 180(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 22LAFAYETTE, GILBERT DU MOTIER; MARQUIS DE. Endorsement Signed, "Lafayette,"Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 390(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 23LEE, ROBERT E. AND GEORGE WASHINGTON CUSTIS. Autograph Docket by Robert, unsigned, and on the same sheet, Autograph Note Signed, "G.W.CEstimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 780(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 24MIFFLIN, THOMAS. Group of 3 vellum Documents Signed, "Tho:Mifflin," as Governor of Pennsylvania, each a deed for land in NorthumberlandEstimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Unsold
Lot 25PINCKNEY, CHARLES. Autograph Letter Signed, as Governor of South Carolina, to Timothy Pickering ("To The Secretary of State"),Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 1,020(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 26RICKENBACKER, EDWARD VERNON ("EDDIE"). Photograph Signed and Inscribed, "To my dear friends / Clem & India Keys / Eddie Rickenbacker,"Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 240(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 27SHERMAN, WILLIAM TECUMSEH. Autograph Letter Signed, "W.T. Sherman / General," to Clinton Dugald MacDougall ("Dear Sir"),Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 510(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 28SHIRLEY, WILLIAM. Document Signed, "WShirley," as colonial Governor of Massachusetts,Estimate $ 350 - $ 500Price Realized $ 510(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 29SMITH, SAMUEL FRANCIS. Autograph Manuscript Signed, "S.F. Smith," the complete four stanzas of "America."Estimate $ 2,000 - $ 3,000Unsold
Lot 30SMITH, SAMUEL FRANCIS. Autograph Quotation Signed, "S.F. Smith," the first stanza of "America."Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 2,000Unsold
Lot 31TRUMBULL, JONATHAN. Two items: Partly-printed Document Accomplished and Signed, twice within the text ("Jonathan Trumble") and again atEstimate $ 700 - $ 1,000Unsold
Lot 32TRUMBULL, JONATHAN. Partly-printed Document Signed, "Jon'n Trumbull," as Governor of Connecticut,Estimate $ 200 - $ 300Price Realized $ 132(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 33WOLCOTT, JR., OLIVER. Partly-printed Document Signed, "Oliv:WolcottJr.,"Estimate $ 150 - $ 250Price Realized $ 120(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 34(WORLD WAR II.) Group of three items Signed by prominent military notables:Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 420(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 35(ALBUM.) Autograph album containing approximately 60 items Signed, or Signed and Inscribed, by 19th-century Scottish or English clergymEstimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 780(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 36ANTHONY, SUSAN B. Autograph Letter Signed,Estimate $ 800 - $ 1,200Unsold
Lot 37ANTHONY, SUSAN B. Autograph Letter Signed, as President of the NAWSA,Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 1,560(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 38(ARTISTS.) BEATON, CECIL. Archive of approximately 50 letters, mostly Autograph Letters Signed, "Cecil," to Anita Loos.Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 2,000Price Realized $ 4,800(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 39(ARTISTS.) BONHEUR, ROSA. Group of 5 Autograph Letters Signed, "R. Bonheur,"Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 1,500Price Realized $ 900(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 40(ARTISTS.) BORGLUM, SOLON H. Autograph Manuscript Signed, in the third person within the text on the title-page, a draft of his book SoEstimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Unsold
Lot 41(ARTISTS.) CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. Autograph Letter Signed, "Geo. Cruikshank / Late Lt. Col / 48th M R V.," to Major Hockley ("Sir"),Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Unsold
Lot 42(ARTISTS.) MANET, ÉDOUARD. Autograph Letter Signed, "Ed. Manet," to "my dear de Lafosse[?]," in French,Estimate $ 1,000 - $ 2,000Price Realized $ 1,440(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 43(ARTISTS.) PARRISH, MAXFIELD. Autograph Letter Signed,Estimate $ 350 - $ 500Price Realized $ 510(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 44(ARTISTS.) PICASSO, PABLO. Autograph Letter Signed, "Picasso," to an unnamed recipient ("Cher Monsieur"), in French,Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 5,280(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 45(ARTISTS.) ROCKWELL, NORMAN. Signature and date on a letter from his publisher, acknowledging a revenue sharing agreement for his NormaEstimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 660(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 46(ARTISTS.) STIEGLITZ, ALFRED. Brief Autograph Letter Signed, "Stieglitz," to art critic Henry McBride, in pencil:Estimate $ 250 - $ 350Price Realized $ 720(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 47(ARTISTS.) VAN VECHTEN, CARL. Photograph Signed,Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Unsold
Lot 48(ARTISTS.) Two Photographs Signed: Chaim Gross * Jacques Lipchitz.Estimate $ 300 - $ 400Price Realized $ 210(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 49(ASTRONAUTS.) Poster Signed, by the three Apollo XI astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins,Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,000Price Realized $ 1,800(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 50(ASTRONAUTS.) Group of 5 Photographs Signed, each a headshot image of an astronaut from the Gemini IV, V, or XI mission, in his space sEstimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 420(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 51BARTON, CLARA. Two items: Autograph Letter Signed, "C.B." * Photograph Signed and Inscribed, "Very Sincerely Yours."Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Unsold
Lot 52BELL, ALEXANDER GRAHAM. Autograph Quotation Signed:Estimate $ 500 - $ 750Price Realized $ 1,680(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 53BYRD, RICHARD E. Skyward. Signed and Inscribed, on a front blank:Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Unsold
Lot 54CHURCHILL, WINSTON. Brief Autograph Letter Signed, "Winston S. Churchill," to U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain Joseph H. Choate ("DearEstimate $ 1,000 - $ 2,000Price Realized $ 1,800(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 55COBB, TYRUS RAYMOND ("TY"). Autograph Letter Signed,Estimate $ 1,500 - $ 2,500Unsold
Lot 56EDISON, THOMAS A. Autograph Inscription Signed:Estimate $ 400 - $ 600Price Realized $ 2,880(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 57EDISON, THOMAS A. Brief Autograph Note Signed, to an unnamed recipient, in pencil: "Prefer man -- / TAE,"Estimate $ 200 - $ 300Price Realized $ 132(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 58EDISON, THOMAS A. Letter Signed, to the Minister of Agriculture of Brazil ("Your Excellency"),Estimate $ 8,000 - $ 12,000Price Realized $ 13,200(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 59EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Signature and date, in pencil, on a woodcut portrait of him on japan paper.Estimate $ 4,000 - $ 6,000Price Realized $ 4,560(with Buyer's Premium)
Lot 60EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Signature and date, on a small card.Estimate $ 600 - $ 900Price Realized $ 960(with Buyer's Premium)